
Yeah, rocksmith 2014 on PC can be tuned to be less laggy (but not no lag) but it’s a little involved to get there. Lots of trail and erroring kind of thing based on your PC.

Oh yeah, it’s a whole different system up here. The Letterkenny guys at the start are playing, I believe, Senoir A hockey which is another way of saying “dogshit” hockey.

I know you’re just making a joke but to answer the first part, they would just form leagues that aren’t school run. Put it this way, in Canada, land of hockey.....high-school hockey teams either don’t exist or they are played by people who are done with the “real” hockey (and university hockey is seen as a joke but a

Those algorithms are essentially black boxes. The only thing the platforms can tweak is how they weigh what the AI (for lack of a better term) sees as good vs bad. I mean that literally, programmers could look inside the box and it would mean nothing to them because the program was written by a machine for a machine.

This entire article was: “Hey, social media platforms, do something....but I have zero suggestions as to what that something should be”

Nah. Give your bolts a slight tightening once a yearish and that wax seal will hold forever. The main reason toilets leak at the flange is that the bolts holding it to the flange (and thus, pushing it on the wax seal) loosen over time. A quick tightening (but not to tight, go overboard and you will crack the porcelain)

While it should not ever come to this, the US is going to need brave doctors to perform illegal abortions and then dare to be charged and tried...and yes, even end up in jail.

Oh, you sweet, summer childs.

Now playing

I drove a Zamboni for years (yes, seriously) so controlling skids is second nature to me and is hard to explain to other people exactly what you need to do.

There’s been no, true, communist government/state, ever. If money is involved, at all, then it’s not a communist state. Most have just been authoritarian socialist states

I still think we are getting a Hush movie.

He is basically Deadpool, just a bit more psychotic I guess. Like movie Deadpool is funny/witty/pop culture referencing but somewhat has an actual code of who he goes after.

Hell, I’d be fine with getting WoW expansions for “free” and then having to pay a sub to play.  I always jump back into WoW about once a yearish and each time I’m like “Should I buy the newest expansion?”.  Take that out of the equation and I will def play more and be fine with subbing.

The show is amazing, I was laughing the entire time but it works so well because it’s campy, it’s over the top, it’s hilarious, it’s violent, and it has great character moments.  It just all works so dam well together.  I watched all 3 last night and I a honestly probably going to watch all 3 again tonight to catch

Eh, it’s possible he actually doesn’t know. Twitch is very niche outside the gaming world (and even inside it to some degree). Only one streamer has had anything close to resembling outside world success (Ninja) for a very small amount of time, so I can totally get a busy ass celebrity chef not knowing about it, even

Yes, but their resources are still finite, Ohio just called in the National Guard to help. Having a higher ICU capacity means they have more wiggle room and a longer runway than Ontario does/did but it’s still a runway. Going by Ontario and the UK for case numbers, it’s gonna ramp up fast. Now we may luck out, maybe

It’s sheer numbers that’s the problem. The doubling time in Ontario right now is 2.2 days. Here’s another way to look at it, that vax status number I put? During the delta wave, unvax were sitting around 15 cases per 100K, full vax were routinely under 2. Now look at the numbers I put.... It’s not a few breakthroughs,

Here’s the problem, Omicron is a different beast, even if it’s “milder”. It infects vaccinated people pretty easily in comparison to delta as well. Delta had an RT in Ontario of around 1.09, Omicron? 4+. If you understand what that means, you should be really worried. It will overload healthcare systems and quickly.

I try to ask out a new match within the first few days. Like we exchange a few messages over 2-3 days and then either I ask them out to do something specific (and this is where phone numbers are exchanged) or I just let it fall of. Rather get to actually know them in person than through text communication and if you

Here’s the one thing about tools, you get what you pay for. Do not cheap out on them if you are going to be using them on a semi-regular basis or for a bigger project. I’ve seen far to many people buy the cheapest drill they can and then wonder why it can’t drive a screw into anything harder than drywall. If you spend