
I think it’s fascinating that just like there was one day your parents put you down and never picked you up day I just didn’t log into Myspace ever again. I used it religiously during it’s day, especially as I was into the local punk/emo scene and then one day, I just never ventured back there again.

Pfft, in my area of Canada, that’s over a million dollars, easily.

Garbage disposers are super rare outside of the US. In many parts of Canada, they are actually banned because they can reek havoc on sewage systems. Most places up here now have compost collection, alongside recycling and garbage.

Garbage disposers are such an American thing.  They are super rare in Canada and actually banned in a lot of places because of the havoc they can reek on sewage systems.  Where I live is one of those places where they are banned and I have survived fine.  Got a stainless steel mesh insert for my drain, catches

A few months ago I started getting those subscription meal kits once a week. 3 recipes, 2 servings each. I live alone so that works out to 6 meals for me, for roughly $60 CAD a week. It is, by far, the most healthy I have ever eaten in my life and got me out of my comfort zone with a lot of food (turnips are

My Girl made me deathly afraid of bees, still am to this day.  

So the earbud thing has been happening since the invention of mp3 players. How do I know? I had a friend with long rocker hair do the “record himself and play on loop” back in highschool. This was more impressive since there were no wireless options at the time. He ran the wire up his shirt, out his collar and then

I managed to only play one match last night:

I work at a tech company but my role is keeping our spaces maintained (painting, plumbing, drywall....handywork essentially), and A/V is also my domain. I have zero formal training in A/V, I just know a lot about it because tech interests me and I’m mid 30's, so I grew up with the tech.

So whoever wrote this doesn’t know much about propane or propane tanks. If the tank is still good, keeping it in a shed is fine. They literally sit under BBQ’s that get hotter than any shed ever would. They aren’t some ticking time bomb waiting to go off. 

A lot of these are old/new millennial slang. The only ones I’d say are true gen Z:

While I do not doubt that women have bared the brunt of this pandemic, especially when it comes to house chores, child rearing, etc; there is something about this line that irks me:

Now playing

I thought the black cat was a reference to the “deja vu” scene in the first movie?

Do you have paint thinner or wd40? Yes? Use that. Permanent markers are oil based products so you need mineral spirits to clean them. WD40 will work in a pinch (though obviously not it’s intended use)

Takes less resources to produce? That depends how you qualify resources. Trying to grow produce in climates where it’s not meant to be grown takes an enormous amount of resources to do so. More non-green water (green water is water that falls regardless of what’s happening with the land) is used to grow a crop of

I was really into the Matrix when it came out so if I am remembering correctly, it’s all a cycle that happens over and over. Wasn’t their some videogame that really expanded on that? I remember playing a videogame that had live-action cut-scenes that basically said that.

My one “green flag” film is Hot Fuzz.  If they love Hot Fuzz, we’re good.  The fact it’s not on this list is criminal.

Yeah and I think A LOT of parents are about to get a rude wake-up call to this. For the past 18 months, everyone was in the same boat. Schools were closed, childcare was closed, kids were learning from home...companies were very understanding. They won’t be in the near future.

This is actually really nice.  We use the GSuite at my workplace and being able to add a status message, just for vacation purposes, is really helpful.  Along with putting which site I am currently at.

I laughed really hard at this exchange: