
One other use: being able to read things that have been written in cursive, or in cursive-influenced-print. Like letters from grandma, the founding documents of our country, or Arthur’s journal in Red Dead Redemption 2. All very important. 

Apparently unpopular opinion: Being able to read what your parents/grandparents wrote on pieces of paper is a useful skill that should be encouraged.

That was a great episode. 

Stephen is, uh, still here. Kinda what this whole article is about.

Fuckface Von Clownstick is such a great insult, I want to overuse it.

Being strictly anticorporate is the stupidest fucking thing in the world. But fuck your screed, that’s the level of effort your idiotic, ineffectual child-rant gets. You come back with something worth analyzing, I’ll invest the time.

Colbert isn’t even Hollywood you dumbshit, he’s a New Yorker, living in New York and the current and previous 3 shows he was on were in....New York.

I’m not going to even waste my time with your anti-corporate diatribe.

“...They didn’t, because we (and by “we,” I mean my age group in general) didn’t do anything, really, apart from hold hands, sing songs, and pray.

These kids are doing something—and fuck anyone who gets in their way for being brave enough to stand up, and sick enough of it all to not be told to sit down and shut up....”

Completely agreed, without caveat.

My institution missed out on a chance to participate in this, as we’re on spring break this week (and we’re a college, so our “walkout” participation would’ve been markedly different than a public K-12 school), but any educator who seeks to restrain their students from exercising

You got it right on the nose. It’s calling out their own hypocrisy for demonizing the ACA simply because it got branded “Obamacare” by the GOP.

You are correct. is the ACA/Obamacare enrollment website, and enrollment is open right now.

Correct. Furthermore, to add another layer of trolling, one of the only things Trump succeeded in doing to combat the ACA was removing funding for outreach and advertising, while also shortening the enrollment period. So Kimmel not only “rebranded” the ACA as Trumpcare, he’s also giving it free advertising.

Okay, let me make sure I’m unpacking this correctly as a Canadian.

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

Mencken also said, “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

We are talking about the people Facebooking and Tweeting him being imbeciles. There is no Trumpcare. It is Obamacare. He is trolling these people into visiting the website, signing up, and seeing that the program isn’t the work of the devil like they have been propagandized too. But they all think it is this amazing

I suppose this will fool the same sort of idiot who thinks that Obamacare was a failure so Congress stepped in and replaced it with the ACA. Of which there are many.

Found another.

Shes expecting to get notoriety and money for this somehow? Those boobs are just awful and so painful to look at. I had no idea there are supplements to darken your skin available for purchase, are these safe and are they popular? Seems like a better choice than a tanning bed