
I’ve watched both episodes and the only person I find remotely likeable is Billie. Most of the characters I’ve heard so far I’d like to shove out an airlock, especially the pushy, loudmouth lady who thinks she knows everything and really knows nothing. I’m with Laurie, jettison her in an escape pod and set it on fire.

Also, learning cursive activates parts of the brain dealing with motor control and agility. It’s important kids learn cursive to read what their forebears wrote (unless that’s the whole idea to cut them off from the famous ideas and writings of the past) both family and others. Heck, they won’t be able to read ‘Babar’

The smart teachers used the walk out/protest as a teaching moment on civil disobedience, the civil rights movement and the anti-war protest movement of the 1960s. And ‘suspending’ them for 3 days will only hurt the school districts dumb enough to do it. Wake up administrators and teachers and join their march. The

El Paso likes her, too. :)