
This problem started because CNN didn't just act like journalists and name him, they tried to do him a favor and now right wingers are roasting them. Its almost like it doesn't matter what CNN did, right wingers were always going to act like poo flinging monkeys.

of course ya got a dumb fucker filming vertically for fuck's sake. You don't like it? Fuck you

what a gulli-bull, what a nin-cow poop.

Tree Of Life seems very Proustian to me, quite enjoyable. About memory, loss and how we live with each,

This actually happened a lot during the 70s. Plus, the kids who wanted Ray Stevens were given Connie Stevens records! It was quite a time.

Little Panda Fighter is one of the most amazing movies ever made and I consider it vastly more entertaining that Kung Fu Panda. Or Karate Kid for that matter.

Pretty sure that song is a true story. Ann Magnusson was a bit of an NYC scenester in the 80s.

Have you dealt with a 90 year old man recently? They give 0 fucks on a good day. That interviewer was used to the usual celebrity interview and when Lewis wouldn't play ball he figured he'd get a good internet video out of it and everyone would agree that Lewis was being mean to him.

If he knew what he was like, maybe he could have planned for it? He obviously didn't, or he was hoping for something like this video. Less work than coming up with questions like these. Lewis doesn't even seem THAT annoyed, he just seems 90.

This isn't so bad. He's right, most of these questions are dumb.

Why does he keep saying "we"? its a bit odd.

I dunno, this review short arms how pathetic this episode really is. It is the serious flip side to the CHiPs punk episode, another kitsch classic. It's seriously overwrought and the story is forced, a reach even on its own terms. It is not even a real plot, the whole story is driven simply by Quincy's dislike of

A car chase over the tapes that became The Man With The Horn? Really? Cuz that album blows.

I've enjoyed this film since it came out. Who cares how closely it hews to the book? Its psychedelic as shit, has great visuals and cooks along for the first 2/3rds. it looks like they had a longer cut that was compressed and that shows up in the ending with the voice over. That had to be the studio, I am sure he

that Germs book is great.

Yeah, they seemed like selfish pricks at the time and that chapter confirmed it. Every other band in that book was a scene builder, not the Buttholes! First 4 records are genius though.

It was the other way around. Lou was wasted on mushrooms, forgot the songs and Mascis got frustrated and threw his guitar at him. I had friends at the show and they went "backstage" (really the bathroom) and the band just sat there not talking for 5 minutes and then went back out and finished the set!

or Gibby Haynes longevity

Joe The Lion should be on here somewhere.

the point is you don't answer any of my actual points, you just claim its anachronistic to use the term "boy band". Even if nobody used the term, its not a stretch to look at similar musical entities and see them as similar. Nobody called Black Sabbath a "Heavy Metal" band when they came out, they were hard rock but