Obviously, we all knew he was capable of pulling off a double murder. But then, to go out on a big night like New Years and attempt a triple.....that’s confidence right there.
Obviously, we all knew he was capable of pulling off a double murder. But then, to go out on a big night like New Years and attempt a triple.....that’s confidence right there.
Guess what happens when you take all the guns from the workers.
Let’s start with the fact that all three of these are nigh impossible for the normal Deadspin staffer, and certainly for the normal Deadspin reader.
Absolutely it is! I just spend the whole day cycling through RichEnergyDrama.com, RichEnergyDaily.com, HAASandHorns.com, HowdTheseGuysGetRichInTheFirstPlace.com, and MSTSBSED.com (that’s the trade website for MotorSports Teams Sponsored by Shady Energy Drinks).
I was under the impression the real disaster is going to be the border with Northern Ireland. Without any deal in place, that border becomes an international boundary subject to passport checks, customs, and all the other hoops you might expect when going to another country. It will be a return to the old days that…
While you’re out you should also pick up some Nikes to burn. That’ll really show those libs!
This makes a lot of sense. If I’m buying hamburger I expect it to have ham in it. If I’m buying a hot dog it damn well better be made of real dog meat. Words mean something people!
“Thank you for your impotent bluster as the Swedish legal system proceeded to process my case with complete disregard to your desires. Now that I have been released at the conclusion of that process, again with absolutely no regard given to your unsolicited opinion, I can’t help but feel gratitude for your useless…
They were also well known for their safety!
“After receiving thousands of emails from people who wanted to attend but also didn’t want their identity to be known, we’ve decided to add a costume contest*. Feel free to celebrate your straightness in anonymity.”
Let’s all pour out an over-priced, hoopy beer laced with fracking fluid for ole Hick.
Me starting the article: “I already know what happened”
The idea that we need to plan on getting into a war with Russia or China is ridiculous (yes, I get that we need some deterrence to be taken seriously etc.). Look at the last dozen times we engaged an enemy. It’s always gonna be extremely low-tech essentially defenseless targets. The government will never have the…
Hipsters. Vinyl, single speed bikes, and now retro porn.
Why is there a sex doll riding that bike in the background? Now I gotta join Equinox to find out what really goes on there.
That’s a really nice way to see how burly those structures really are. When you can’t actually see the downforce, those wings look dainty. I’d never guess you could stack that much weight there.
The desire to have children and the desire to change diapers are not the same.
Over time, many of those people left. Ashley Feinberg also left.
It’s like that old saying, “I’ll be back in a lesbian minute!”
Point taken. We employers that can be flexible around school times and summer to help with that too.