
The worst part is that you need to take back your criticism of Giz - they didn't write this, it was pulled from New Scientist...

Also, you could've just gotten better on your own. Being critical of "alternative" (read: fake) medicine doesn't mean we give a pass to drug companies. But there's an awful lot more science (well, anything would be more than "none"...) that goes into drug testing for Big Pharma than alternative medicine. Pharma

That's a total cop-out. With this thinking, we could test 99.99% of all acupuncturists and get a negative result, and you could still claim that none of them were *true* acupuncturists. That's no different than what psychics, mediums and other charlatans say (or think.) What makes that one "good" acupuncturist so

haha, this is the best article i've read on gizmodo in a while. awesome!

mechanical turk?

But... in iPhoto, once the photos are imported, you can see all your photos on a map based on where you took them. Which is kinda cool. Right?

omg, i had no idea that was a real album cover!!

can't wait - i've always wanted a beta version of dropbox.

Comments DO have a value to advertisers - they give more information regarding your preferences. There are marketing companies out there that scrape social media sites and process the text to determine brand perception, etc.

I had the exact same reaction - so I can now watch Comcast content and HBO on my TV? Wow.

And aren't markets only really free when people have perfect information? If one consumer buys an identical product for a higher price when it's cheaper somewhere else (all else equal) and would have gotten more utility from buying it at the cheaper place, it's distorting the market. An economist would want you to

Exactly - if a corporation is expected to maximize profits at the expense of ethics, why should consumers not be expected to maximize utility?

I remember that as I was still purchasing Archos players, which were way more advanced that the iPod at the time, Jobs was saying that nobody would want a video iPod. Just did a quick search to find the quote and found this article from Wired: []

Thank you... Why in the world did they write the numbers that way? To ensure everyone was confused?

This post was not at all saying that a person who cheats should be killed - you're deliberately misinterpreting. The point of the hacks is to show the nonchalant mundane details of his life at the same time he's murdering innocent people, demonstrating that he truly does not care. And "getting your compatriots

I second that, Jesus.


Not necessarily; my guess is that there's a lower bound, but it undoubtedly depends also on the service provided and the amount of privacy being 'sold.' Also, I would bet that this price would be proportional to the price of the product being purchased. Offering you 65 cents off of a candy bar in exchange for some

As @jms said below, it sounds like he expected no one to be in the house (baseline would be nearly everything off) but noticed lots of power usage. Anyway, your comment reminded me of an article I read a while back (can't remember if it was on Gizmodo or elsewhere) about a company that used algorithms to disaggregate

Not only that, but it's incredibly misleading. The title, "Lying Is the Wrong Way to Raise Awareness About Climate Change" before reading anything else, made me think he was lying about climate change data, which he wasn't.