
I'd agree, you summed it up nicely.

Always loved Winamp, but once my library got bigger I moved to MediaMonkey - it has a lot of tools for managing large libraries that, at the time, Winamp didn't have. Admittedly I have no idea what Winamp is like now, though I assume it still whips the llama's ass.

i think that's part of the problem with studies like these is that its hard to generalize what you do in a lab to what happens in the real world where there are so many other factors.

yeah, really... also there's a difference between weight being "controllable" and weight being easy to lose. i'm sure it's hard to lose after a lifetime of putting it on.

Now playing

agreed. so is coldplay's "the scientist" where there's actually a purpose to reversing the footage, so we get the poignant moment at the end (beginning?) when she takes her seatbelt off.

Fatal flaw: how will kids operate the iPad when the bandaid is on their own bodies? Cute idea though.

Really? You'd prefer production for production's sake? To keep some jobs that provide no value?



Yeah, I'm guessing that Kaku does know that, but the common usage of "Moore's Law" has changed to mean doubling of speed or computational power. Actually, I find this definition more interesting, partly because of Kurzweil.

yeah, don't even try to use this as proof that digital is less convenient than film. in addition to all the examples kyle mentioned above, let's not forget that as easy as it is to delete a file, it's equally easy to redownload it. not as easy to re-print a film and fedex it to a theater.

Right, I think it's the flash more than anything. Usually 2-3 embedded flash videos on every page, it's absurd. I find Chrome handles it all pretty gracefully. I used to have a million tabs open in Firefox but ever since FF 4.0 having more than three or four tabs open and FF slows to a crawl.


"This is bad, as oil cash comprises the majority of Iran's budget."

war games and sneakers are definitely #1 and #2, but i think The Net deserves a lot of recognition for at least one thing: killing off Dennis Miller.

absolutely. too many secrets.

what's the name of the program?

pretty sure that's a chupacabra

I disagree that Net Neutrality is ridiculous, though I'm surprised that no one who replied bothered to discuss what I think is the most important issue, which is giving so much control to so few powerful companies.

My general rule: if someone uses the word "toxins" and they don't have a PhD in Chemistry, or they use the word "energy" and they don't have a PhD in Physics, then they're scamming you.