
No, you're not callous, you're conscientious. And I would go way further than you - even if he paid his fair share of insurance premiums he's still taking up a bed in the hospital, wasting the time of nurses and doctors, taking up time in medical equipment and using supplies. These are finite resources that could

It would be nice if that were true (actually, no it wouldn't - it would terrible for the poor kid's idiot parents!) but there are some children who aren't able to get vaccines for other reasons, so they on what's called "herd immunity" (if nearly every kid is vaccinated, there is less risk for those who aren't.) For

While of course it's not *really* fair, it sort of is - she took a fringe idea that would have remained there and used her celebrity to incite fear all over the country. I have no doubt that without her, the anti-vaccination movement would not be what it is today.


Exactly; it's one thing to note the pitfalls of objectivity (although I would claim that you can point out the nonsense while still being objective) it's another thing to represent what Gizmodo writes as the "truth", unless they mean the "truth about what our opinions are." And this site definitely has a bias.

Right, and the largest company in the world, worth $500B dollars, with $100 BILLION dollars of cash in the bank has no influence over their suppliers. They just close their eyes and hand Foxconn a check, is that it? Apple has the power to get just about anything they want from their suppliers, and they usually do -

He's saying this article is overblown nonsense, as it is. Apple implemented a moderately useful technology (internet chat on multiple platforms) that's been around for ages, and as soon as they do Gizmodo hails it as the most brilliant and revolutionary thing since sliced bread.

Yeah, but don't you see? *Apple* is doing it now, so now it's revolutionary.

That sure sounds like a monetary utopia to me. And here I am with my "dollars" in a "bank account" like a chump!

I hate cash too, but you're right that this was a ridiculous point that makes no sense at all. He seems to be implying that because cash is used by criminals we could eliminate crime by eliminating cash. Yeah, I'm sure all those human traffickers are shaking in their boots, hoping we don't take their precious cash

From what I remember, part of the sensation of the phantom limb is caused by the fact that the brain has specific areas of the brain designated towards the control of certain limbs, and when a limb is amputated, the brain re-purposes that area for something else. However once it does, when the area previously

Not only that, but the ability to think is actually frowned upon in the Republican Party. The candidates that raise their hands when asked if they believe in evolution are ostracized. It's anti-intellectualism so extreme that they are anti-intellect.

I'm dismissive of the history (and these letters you keep mentioning) not because they aren't interesting, nor because they weren't important, but because when answering the question of whether or not a certain right (like the right to bear arms) is still worth the costs today, these historical writings have much less

I was just thinking the same thing...

Look, the founders were obviously smart, and you can of course read whatever you want. And yes, yes, those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it, et cetera, et cetera. But really, this is a lame justification - you're not arguing why the 2nd should be in the constitution, only that the founders thought it

Just want to join in and agree. This is completely unacceptable, and it really makes Giz look like hypocrites for so often whining about privacy issues. Hypocrites and d-bags. This site has gotten to be such trash.

But you don't understand - they really, _really_ want you to buy the $30 DVD! Really bad. If they keep wishing it, you'll eventually buy it, right? Just close your eyes and pretend it's 1999. Please!! Otherwise they'll have to get real jobs!

Well, I think my view is held by many, but I'm lazy and don't want to do any research, so I'm willing to completely concede that point to you. Instead I'll go back to my other point that we should be spending less time reading letters from the 1770s and more time thinking about what is good for our country today.

why don't you launder it?

I think that's unrealistic. First, you're going to have an opponent out there every day bashing you and everything you've done. You'd need to combat any charges and let people know why the challenger is worse.