
waclark57 has a point - there are plenty of stupid dems ("blue dogs") that are just as disinterested in solving problems as the GOP.

can't you read?!?! it's a FOLDER that stores APPS that update AUTOMATICALLY -> awesome. not like those lame "websites" on that incomprehensible "internet" that only update once a month -> lame.

Er, it's "blogger" not "writer". Don't get me wrong, I love reading Giz, but the writing at Giz (and several other blogs i read) is just glorified text messages/tweets. I know it seems like it wouldn't be hard to proofread two paragraphs, and you also have to wonder how it's possible to cram so many grammatical

hey, it really whips the lama's ass. Way more than iTunes does.

no - the a-hole gets a water pill and *thinks* he's better while his condition is actually worsening, meanwhile you have time to find the treatment that actually works.

The point to remember is that placebos don't actually treat a person's illness. They just make the person feel better for a little while. While I'm sure many doctors could learn lessons from psychology (how to deliver bad news to patients, how to explain things, how to provide options without biasing the decision,

good marketers borrow a TON from psychology. much of the marketing research (i mean academic research) is similar to psychology research, and much of it is done by psychologists.

to be fair, tintin was indiana jones before there was an indiana jones. just found this article:

Yeah, but that's not novel or non-obvious. Oh wait, neither are most patents.

Also, two more points in addition to TheBobmanNH's about Ebert's reviews and reviews in general:

good post

i'll gladly take a doctor who writes papers over a doctor who hosts a pseudo-scientific talk show. and besides, the whole point here is that he wasn't telling people about things that hurt them, he was erroneously telling people about things that real doctors knew would not hurt them.

if all amazon cared about was mining your browsing history they wouldn't bother building a browser and doing pre-processing on their surfers. they could do that a lot easier with an off the shelf browser. it's fair to assume that the primary purpose of silk is to speed up browsing.

Dr. Oz is a bimbo in doctor's clothing. He gives Complementary Alternative Medicine a voice on national TV and thus shouldn't be taken seriously as a medical expert, on this topic or any other outside his specialty.

I think, in fact, the USPS has a legal monopoly on last mile delivery, so even if UPS and FedEx wanted to, they couldn't. Still, it's not fair to say, as in the article, "UPS and FedEx do just fine and do it with lower labor costs (53% of its expenses for UPS, 32% for FedEx compared with 80% with the USPS)—the

right. and the mirrors can track the sun just as easily as the PV panels.

THANK YOU. I'm appalled not only at the awfulness of this article but the general acceptance by commenters, which I attribute to the fact that it was so long most of them didn't bother to read past the 2nd or 3rd paragraph - a good choice. This article was so unabashedly unscientific (e.g. links to autism, which


I was thinking the exact same thing - it makes no sense at all.

Same here! I started using Google Reader when the site was redesigned and am loving it. Of course, I also have the engadget feed in reader, so that's still a net loss for gizmodo...