
Except that the way I see it, he's saying "who wants butt when there's vagina?" and ignoring the fact that many men actually do want butt when vagina is right next to it.

Right? Why is it so weird one way and then the other way they're begging their girlfriends "just try it once"?

Yes you can't miss BOMBUR DEATH-BARREL!

My first one was at age 4, at the house of a neighbor boy. I think I may have figured out why the parents thought a slumber party of 4 year olds was a good idea; everyone but me came down with chicken pox afterward.

My list would be:

I grew up thinking AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" was some kind of superhero western ballad about two guys named Dirty Steve and The Thunderchief.

I hereby resolve only to go to Michigan while menstruating. Can ... can I menstruate loudly? I'm going to start doing that.

I hate you because I laughed.

My daughter's father is Mexican and I'm Whitey McWhiterson. At her 70% Hispanic* school, she was frequently told she was "too white."

This looks like some kind of MMO battle armor.

Yeah poor Hugh. They needed to step that down a little or something. I thought he was going to pop something during "Bring Him Home"

Ah, but I'm once-divorced, my spouse is twice-divorced, and neither of us are Catholic. Even if one of us converted I don't think they'd let us. ;)

Off-topic, but I was so confused that both Russel Crowe and Hugh Jackman have singing and theater experience and yet neither of them were very good in that. I actually think I liked Crowe's performance better all told.

I am Twit-less, I'm afraid. I've tried a couple Meetups but most interesting stuff is across the lake and I find driving in Seattle very nerve-wracking. Which might seem odd coming from an L.A. girl!

Oh that's an interesting point, I hadn't considered the MRA/atheist connection. Although would MRAs fall under the "opposed to marriage in general" designation? I don't really want to go down that rabbithole far enough to find out.

So my bathroom shower has a plastic nubbly-textured floor, and I can't seem to get it clean because the "pebbles" or whatever just shred my magic erasers and whatever other sponges I use. And a brush doesn't seem to get it out either.

I moved to Seattle (well, Eastside) a year ago and know like ... no one. I want to meet you cool people.

"So, what story do you have about the most effeminate anatomically male worship leader you've ever personally witnessed?"

My congregation did a lot of The Awesomeness of Homeschooling and the Evils of the Educational System. I'm a teacher. Good times.

I've started telling them "unless you can get it in your own mouth, I'm not interested". That's a win all around.