Hey, that lady in the Brady Bunch was a SINGLE MOTHER! Of THREE! What a harlot.
Hey, that lady in the Brady Bunch was a SINGLE MOTHER! Of THREE! What a harlot.
I've only seen the trailers for Melancholia and I still had nightmares about it. Also, I saw 2001 at a young and impressionable age, and while I love the movie, it left me with the permanent conviction that all movie spacewalks will go horribly wrong. I saw the trailer for Gravity and there is no way in hell I'll be…
My Norwegian friend was the one who linked me this earlier today. He's of the opinion that it's cool for the dude to run around naked, but he should leave everyone else the hell out of it.
I thought the shiny blue dress was hideous but DAYUM that second one.
Her boobs are in a superhero mask?
It just doesn't look like it fits. It looks way too big and like it's going to slide around on her.
Helen Mirren and Judi Dench. I want to be them when I grow up.
Oh GOD Mark Ruffalo. Delicious. I need to go lie down now.
I bought the identical material 4 or 5 years ago in the Halloween section of Joann's. For a Medusa costume.
Living in Los Angeles is how I learned alllll the words 3 years of high school Spanish wouldn't teach me.
God forbid they listen to actual women actually telling them they don't like it.
The last probably ... 10 times someone hollered out a car window at me, it was first thing in the morning, I was in baggy sweats with my unwashed hair in a bun and greasy morning face. No amount of "heeeeyy mamacita!" is going to convince me I look good like that. Super uncomfortable.
I don't remember what the ad was for, but the worst one I got was something that FB claimed was "liked" by my cousin. Who I only discovered was on Facebook a week after her sudden death.