many bells down, now with .1% more pig

About 16 years ago I was single and living alone, for the first time ever, in my 1920s bungalow. I loved my little fixer upper, and I had found a nice antique English haberdashery armoire at an action house for only $100. My bedroom was the very back room of the house and had no closet, only my bed and this armoire. I

When I was a senior in college I spent about 18 months living in a 100 year old house owned by a relative. It was right in the heart of the city, on a busy street that was one of the main north-south thoroughfares, in a neighborhood where there was only about six feet or so gap between the houses. 

“Station wagon Stalker”

I think I’ve told this one in the comments before, but I couldn’t find it. This isn’t really paranormal either, but it happened to me when I was a kid of 12 or 13.

I was walking back home from the park with my sister and my best friend one Saturday. The park we went to was a quarter to a half

I like spooky things, but I wouldn’t consider myself a big believer of the supernatural. In fact, if this hadn’t happened to me, I would easily write all ghost stories off to be just that - stories. But it did, and for 30 years it has lingered in the back of my mind “was that real?”.

I got into a fight with my boyfriend one night. For some reason we left my apartment to go to his new place we were both moving into even though there wasn’t any furniture in it it. We argued more and boned on the floor and argued more and then decided we should go back to my place so we could sleep in a bed. We were

Two stories to share, if that’s OK.

Last week I searched the site to find out roughly when the call for stories would go out this year. I don’t even like scary movies, but I love the stories in this post every year! 

The strangest thing about the Ossuary (you know, aside from the millions of bones) is how quickly you “forget” that you’re looking at human bones.  After a few minutes, my mind started to just look at patterns (“oh, they used femurs to make a cross here”).  I had to actively reassert to myself that I was looking at

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

There should also be a rule to not make the same stupid Trump jokes like the last 2 years. They have been a stain on the scary stories post.

I didn’t realize it was actually her brooch, but I noticed it immediately and wondered if it were a tribute to here. Henry was completely adorable this week. For the first two challenges, it almost seemed like the Henry show, they gave him so much more focus.

The nasty comments that the four of them had to say about under performing contestants before the showstopper was absolutely disgusting. Priya talks too much? That’s an issue how?

I find Henry adorable. I want good things for him and his ties.

How we went from that to what we have now can only be explained by the fact that white people suck.

I can’t anymore. I just can’t. I keep comparing these two with the current shit in the white house (lower case intentional) & I get mad and disgusted all over again. Yeah white voters you really showed us. Oh for the record unlike most of The GOP Bill & Hillary are still together. It’s called love maybe you soulless

In a way, isn’t that TRUE EVIL?!?  Muhahahahahahaa *cough* *choke*

The unskippable, unspeed-uppable bits with [spoiler] talking to Malroth in his mind are absolutely the worst part of the game.

There’s an absolute lesson in there for a lot of content creators (both developers and other) - which is that it’s risky to try and keep everything in-house.

I just want Helena and Noel to host a spooky themed baking show; is that too much to ask???? They have incredible tv chemistry.