many bells down wears many stupid hats

Yeah, I prefer “Kinsey 2" but then I have to explain the whole scale usually and that’s more than I usually want to say about the topic.

I think sometimes we don’t really understand what the options even are. Especially when you’re trying to figure it all out in the thrall of raging hormones. Around 12 I had a crush on my best friend and wondered if I was gay. But I also liked boys so that didn’t seem right. I just didn’t know bisexual was a thing.

I went to high school with siblings Windy, Ocean, and Sunshine. Windy was the girl.

It is way better than I thought. Jeremy Irons is fantastic. We’re currently in season 2 cheering Lucrezia’s character development.

Like Other Boleyn Girl ... they took a historically inaccurate book and made it ... more historically inaccurate? It just seemed random at that point. I mean, I’ll watch it for the costumes and Scarlett Johansson, but I’m still annoyed.

I was watching The Borgias and some character keeps referring to his romantic attachments as “like Abelard and Heloise”. And I’m going “uh, Abelard got castrated bro, not a good choice!”

Don’t forget Death Comes to Pemberly:

I remember excitedly going to see Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth when it came out. Wow ... there was pretty much nothing historically accurate in that except for how she came to the throne. Poisoned dresses? Walsingham as a gay murdering pedophile?

Nah, he’ll just keep his knees together and then he’ll be fine!

oh my, that IS a good look on him.

Yeah we’re outside of Seattle and my daughter’s high school had half a dozen trans students that she knew of. And some of the boys occasionally wear skirts.

My stepson too. Although he does it to his father as well, so I think it’s just general teenager knowitallness. We bought “No Man’s Sky” the minute it came out on PS4 and within 5 minutes he was telling us how to play it. Without ever having seen it before.

I don’t even understand women like that. Just because THEY didn’t experience something it never happens? Or maybe it’s like ... they’re imagining something just a little worse than their own sickness. I didn’t get morning sickness at all and I have no trouble imagining HG!

There was a thread on BoingBoing a few months back where a dude told all us ladies that mammograms didn’t really hurt because he’d looked at the machines and the psi just wasn’t high enough.

I didn’t even know nitrous was an option for fillings. I’ve always just had novocain.

This would have been news to my atheist engineer father who homeschooled my two youngest siblings.

Oh well I didn’t have a baby at all then with my medically scheduled c-section.

Perfect comment is perfect.

I love that show. So silly, but so fun.

THE FALL (because Gillian Anderson)