many bells down wears many stupid hats

Wouldn’t it be nice if they’d just trust us to dress ourselves? I mean, yesterday at the beach I saw a dude in green plaid shorts and a blue-and-orange stripe polo shirt and that’s way more offensive than a burkini could ever be.

Yeah, and I didn’t even labor. I had a planned c-section for medical reasons. So you’d think everything down there would be more or less intact but apparently not.

No I think it was some Discovery Channel documentary or something. It was at least 15 years ago. These were all kids who said they “really wanted” a baby.

You don’t need to tell stuff like “I turned the knob and opened the door.” That’s implied in a sentence like “I leapt from my chair and bolted into the hallway.” We all know how doors work.

I saw a TV show once where they gave them to 2 boys and 2 girls. I remember one of the boys left his under a tree while he played football for an hour. It was apparently screaming the whole time and he never noticed.

I didn’t either, but apparently people in the years both before and after me did. I have a sneaking suspicion they only did it in the lower-level science/health courses. And the one person I knew that got pregnant her junior year was a straight-A student in honors classes so that didn’t work out either.

I managed to avoid those, but I pee whenever I sneeze. It’s been 19 years.

Yeah I’ll probably be wearing a bikini (or at least a top with board shorts) when I’m 85 because I just prefer them and idgaf if my stomach isn’t flat. And I’ve been publicly topless. But if you told me I HAD to? Hell to the no. I burn easy and I’m gonna cover up when I want to.

The implication being it’s “immoral” to wear too many clothes. Well, that’s a new one, anyway.

Have you looked at the IMDB page for this recently? I did the other night, and there’s a character called “F’nale Zandor” listed. She doesn’t appear in the book and I hope to god that’s not a code name for the character I think it is.

Yeah, it’s pure adolescent wish-fulfillment fantasy, but it’s a fun read. Although don’t try to read it out loud; Cline has real trouble with the concept of “show, not tell”. So much of the book is “I stood up. I walked over to the door. I turned the knob and opened it. I walked down the hallway toward the exit. I

I just got ungreyed on all the Jez sub-blogs I’ve been commenting on for ages, yesterday. THey must be on a spree.

As they’re staring at each other in that elevator, I heard my husband mutter under his breath “Now ... KISS!”

I keep meaning to check if my local clinic needs escorts. Probably not, because Seattle, but you never know. We’ve got some whackos.

Same. I am not sure I personally could ever go through with an abortion, even though at 43 I really REALLY do not want another kid (I got one to adulthood! I don’t want to start over!) But everyone who wants an abortion should be able to get as many as they like.

Sadly I was much more timid in my 20's and I was too embarrassed to even look up from my shoes.

I’ve been accosted while just going for a pap smear. “We have alternatives!” To a pap smear? Because I would totally want to hear those.

We had to buy him some new shoes last week, because his old pair of not-quite sneakers wore out. So he got an almost identical pair, which was apparently too confusing because he actually went to work the next day in one new shoe and one old shoe. He was limping when he came home.

Enigma’s first album. We all had sex to that during the 90's, don’t lie.

This is my husband. He owns 1 pair of shoes he wears every day, one pair of dress shoes, an ancient pair of Doc Marten’s he’s had for probably 20 years, and some Ugg boots he got as a gift. The last two almost never get worn.