many bells down wears many stupid hats

At my divorce hearing, before court was in session and while everyone was milling around, my attorney briefly sat at the “defendant’s” table to make a note. As I was the petitioner, this would be the wrong place to sit were court actually in session.

I’m always carrying extras in my bag even though I’m on that once-every-3-months pill. Because I never know. Mine’s never been regular and I’ve had 30 years of surprise periods, I’m never gonna be short a pad.

This is probably why “Creep” is my go-to karaoke number.

He has his own makeup line and he’s matching his lipstick to his jacket??

Did you ever read “Hart’s Hope”? There’s ... a LOT of weird sex stuff in that one. And a lot of child sacrifice.

I was trying to hoard books so I’d have enough for my vacation last week. I was only partly successful. I read too fast. It’s not as great as it sounds.

I’m back from vacation with this photo of people playing in an outdoor mall in Utah:

I beat the Space Needle for literally 5 seconds before getting ousted. I didn’t even get a screenshot it was so fast.

Yeah sometimes the entire ARTICLE doesn’t even load unless I refresh a couple of times. And sometimes I can post one comment but then everything freezes and I can’t do anything else.

I only drink coffee-flavored-sugar-bombs and tea, so I haven’t noticed.

Nonsense, men can use tampons. Y’all have orifices too.

Shirt-printing sites like Zazzle and Redbubble use American Apparel tees sometimes. They probably just put in a big Zazzle order.

I’ve got one like that that just inflates around the edge and the middle is mesh. Everyone tries to steal it when I bring it to the lake.

We noticed the opening credits have those little tracking blips in the background. So subtle and so perfect.

Exactly! And he wasn’t “in the closet”, he just happened to be dating women earlier. Sometimes people seem to think “bisexual” means you have to like both genders exactly equally but you can have a stronger preference for one or the other.

Bones specifically mentions an ex-wife in the first movie, but that doesn’t preclude him having a boyfriend later. Bisexuals are a thing.

The RPG is actually pretty fun too. At the end of a session everyone votes on who best played their characters, who was MVP (MVM?) of the session, etc. Plus it’s really interesting trying to solve problems in a world where nearly everything is bigger than you are.

Does Flea not already do that? Is something stopping him? I mean he’s a rock star for heaven’s sake.

Sorry, I have a policy of no longer letting Republicans see me naked. I learned my lesson.

When I first glanced at the blurry still, I thought she looked like a younger Ming-Na Wen and then I imagined her AoS character taking out the room.