many bells down wears many stupid hats

My dog is 10lbs and he is always so desperately sad that I won’t let him in the big dog side of the park. He doesn’t know he’s small! I’ve seen a Great Dane back away from him because he was so excited to meet her!

My hair only has volume because of the curl. It is super fine. When it’s straight I look like a drowned rat. So I don’t straighten it.

Honestly, I’ve usually said I’m a puffer fish, because I have these chubby cheeks but if you make me mad I will be GIANT BALL OF SPIKES.

My husband and I went to the park last night (because there’s a gym and like 6 pokestops, naturally) and ran into two women older than us also catching pokemon. We’re in our 40's.


The interviews were fine, although objectively embarrassing: I was applying to be a kids’ drama instructor so we did a group interview with improv. Which makes perfect sense in context, obviously.

Gonna be Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar later, but I’m trying to finish a sewing project so I’m not gonna start until it’s done. I know myself well enough to know that I should never drink and sew.

I’m 43, my husband is 40, and last night we ran into two women in their 50s in the park catching pokemon and hitting the 7-ish pokestops that are in that park. This may be the best way to meet my neighbors.

Or ebooks! He absolutely hated the idea. Ironically, for years the only one of his books you could get for kindle was ... Fahrenheit 451.

The first time was in 1989. He was still pretty spry then; I remember he gave a talk at my local library. He was dressed in a white polo shirt and shorts and looked like a big golf ball.

She is a beautiful woman and she let me hug her at Emerald City Comicon a couple years ago. I am not sharing the photo because I look terrifying.

I think it’s more like ... they all knew, they just didn’t think it was important. Just like the crew in the middle of the actual Cold War didn’t think it was noteworthy that they had a Russian aboard.

I feel like I should agree with George. But I don’t. I see his point and I still don’t agree.

I met Ray Bradbury four times and never managed to get out more than “hi” and “thank you” when he autographed a book.

My daughter’s a dead ringer ... for her father.

Yeah I feel like I should agree with George on this one, and I see his point, but I just ... don’t. And I feel bad about it?

Bless Washington State, all the pokestops and gyms I can see from my house are in state or city parks. Literally one is the park entrance sign 1000 feet from my home.

Bones would have to be bisexual, at least, since he mentions an ex-wife in the 2009 movie.

You know, “Burn” doesn’t make me cry. I’m more like “Yeah you fucking TELL him girl!” But “Dear Theodosia” will set me off. And frankly, I cry at “Yorktown” too.

I like Vonda McIntyre’s work a lot, but Crystal Star was so mind-blowingly BAD.