many bells down wears many stupid hats

Seattle is good for eccentric. No one really cares if you are dressed like Lucy Ricardo with neon blue hair. I legit saw a dude downtown once in a button-down shirt with a vest, newsboy cap, and TWEED KNICKERS WITH ARGYLE KNEE SOCKS.

Hah I had that exact job, and yeah ... same thing. I’m gonna be rolling around on a filthy stage, I’m not wearing something nice.

I feel like some women are better at wearing heels than others. I’ve never really gotten the hang of it, so I save them for special occasions - even though I really love a cute pair of heels. My daughter can wear those giant platform 6-inch spike heels and strut around all day without batting an eye, somehow. I tried

I keep trying fancy expensive shoes that are supposed to be great for people who stand all day (I spend several hours walking around a large museum). The Alegrias didn’t work, they were too stiff and threw my stride so far off that they were ruining my knees. BUT - I got some cute Dansko wedge sandals that are

Mr. Bells is a game programmer, and I am pretty sure he went to work today without brushing his hair. He did wear a polo shirt, though, so they might think he’s looking for a new job.

I don’t really like wearing shorts, so I’m all about the dresses all summer. Nice and breezy and cool. And then in the winter you add a sweater and thick tights and now you’re warm and comfy!

My dress code is, and I quote, “business casual which in Seattle means casual.” As long as I don’t show up in yoga pants they’re happy. Sometimes I dress up, because I’m public-facing and it makes me feel good. Sometimes I wear jeans and the provided company t-shirt.

We didn’t even receive our ballots until after Cruz dropped out, so anyone who wanted to vote R didn’t really have anyone else to vote for.

The Fall is pretty much the best television I’ve seen in a decade.

She was born in America but spent most of her childhood in London. When they went back to the states, she was mocked for her British accent.

I had a guy start randomly humping me on an otherwise almost totally empty dance floor. When I jerked away and pushed him back, he said “What? I wasn’t hitting on you or anything!!”

I find this story unbelievable because how do you only know ONE Jennifer?

I just went on Seasonale because I am also mid-40's and really tired of periods. I bled for six weeks. The doctor told me it might take 3-6 months to get used to it but can you imagine? SIX MONTHS? Nooooooooooooo.

There was a woman in my hometown who got stuck in a dude’s chimney when she tried to break into his house after stalking him online. Not a celebrity though, just an ordinary guy from OKCupid.

Sadly I don’t think this mindset is at all limited to one country.

Oddly, whenever someone can’t remember my name, they call me “Stephanie”. It must be the syllable pattern.

I named my daughter “Rowan” which is not a common name in the United States. One day we were at a playground, and I’m watching her dig in the sand when I hear a man shouting “Rowan! ROWAN!” I look up and he’s striding directly toward us. I don’t know this guy and I’m freaking out.

My dad wanted Rachael, but my mother said that was “too common” and picked Jennifer. Guess what the most popular name in 1973 was????

Right? I was like “erosion doesn’t require climate ch ... oh. Wow ok.”

Mr. Bells got a friend request from a guy with his same name. I told him to go through and like all the dude’s posts to make him look really conceited.