many bells down wears many stupid hats

I couldn’t look away. It was creepy, and terrifying, but I couldn’t tear my eyes from baby RDJ.

And like ... what are they even going to do if by some chance I AM assaulted in a bathroom? Ask me what I was wearing and why I had my pants down, and then lose my rape kit, probably.

Just because there’s way more cis women than trans women, it’s going to keep happening to any of us who look like we’re doing femininity “wrong.” I fully expect it to happen to me at some point.

Seriously like 90% of those guys didn’t read his “manifesto” because he clearly says he’d never talked to any of those women. He just was mad that random chicks he’d never spoken to weren’t flinging themselves into his arms and had the GALL to date men that actually talked to them.

Well, you knew the toy existed, which I obviously didn’t. And you seem pretty invested in it, so I thought you might be a collector and know that there were like 200 made or something.

That was a genuine question, actually. Are you ok?

Back when I dumped my ex, my toddler daughter and I lived with my mother for a bit. She lived in some closely-packed condos, and her next-door neighbor decided to ask her out one day. She said no. So the next day he came up to me, sitting on our front stoop watching my daughter on her little ride-on toy, and said he

Wooowww. That’s ... terrifying. Did anyone BUY that thing?!

Another article said that basically Guy Pearce’s character, Killian, was supposed to be female. They never made any toys of Killian.

I had a teddy bear named Perfect Tommy because of this movie. I was 11 at the time. I say a lot of things jump-started my puberty, but Perfect Tommy was two years before Jareth the Goblin King, so I’m pretty sure it was him.

They’re going to transplant Trump onto someone’s crotch?


Yeah maybe it’s just the angle but it looks really ill-fitting.

I swear, every time I open it the buttons do something different. It really does make me feel old.

I’m following “Hamilton” on it because that’s the closest I’m going to get to that show until at least 2017.

I’m just saying ... I live squarely in the part labeled “Bellevue wasn’t white enough”.

I am kind of annoyed now that my cake topper was not a pair of fighter jets.

I went to Vegas, so I’m pretty sure a million brides have had my wedding. They probably didn’t all have my techno remix of Canon in D, though.

I used to be able to get Miss Jessie’s at Target ... when I lived near Los Angeles. Now that I live in the whitest part of the Greater Seattle Area, Target doesn’t carry any of it.

Mr. Bells and I got it to sext each other. We are not very good at sexting.