many bells down wears many stupid hats


I approve of this excellent purple hat.

Bet you $5 she’s opposed to “GMO foods” and doesn’t realize that bananas are totally genetically modified.

I want that ridiculous bird suit and every single one of these hats. I adore stupid hats.

I think we all had that pixy-stick-snorting friend.

I was in charge of a youth group once, and I was teasing some of the kids about Pop Rocks and soda making your head explode. Of course, they didn’t believe that. But then I said, still in the same joking tone, “But it’s REALLY cool if you stick them up your nose!”

This explains why the Aeropostale in the mall was having a ridiculous sale last week. I got my daughter a pair of jeans for $8. Eight bucks! And she’s like a size 0 so it’s hard to find her pants. It’s on the list of stores they’re shutting down.

At least two of those link to the SAME story. Way to pad out the stats by making it look like two separate incidents.

I mentioned on another thread that last week I saw a Sikh woman at the mall with basically a full goatee. The poor woman probably already got yelled at because turban=terrorist to some idiots, and she’s got this bathroom enforcement to deal with too.

I mean, obviously I trim the occasional wild hair that sprouts, but I think they’re pretty nicely shaped all on their own. And anyway, I really can’t be arsed.

Aha! I have never plucked in my life, that must be the secret to my apparently-ageless face. (Actually I think it’s the chubby cheeks tho)

You haven’t met my daughter.

Yeah, the “predators” that were already doing their thing because literally nothing has changed except that Target said “Hey, keep on peeing where you were peeing, everyone.”

Ordinarily I’d probably do the same, but the things he’s reported as saying are so weird I might’ve just started laughing. You’re gonna tell me what kind of bathing suit I “need”, random dude?

Oh, I tried that. He fell back on “It’s not about the transgenders! It’s about the predators!” Then he called me a bigot.

I’ve got a prominent Adam’s apple and a voice low enough to register as “tenor”. This is probably going to end up affecting MORE cis women who are “doing it wrong” simply because there’s more of us than trans women out there.

Yeah my friends are all “boycotting” Hobby Lobby, but then this weekend one of them sadly admitted she’d ordered a bookshelf from there.

Any excuse to post my favorite bit of Sense8:


Some guy was yelling at me on Facebook last week because I have a daughter and “how can I be ok with dudes in the bathroom with her?!” I told him I was more concerned about my 15-year-old stepson who is mildly autistic being assaulted by a man in the men’s room. You have never seen such rapid backpedaling.