many bells down wears many stupid hats

jesus christ

I thought the Vice President was the guy who lost the election. Like it was the second-place prize.

I don’t want to be rude about your age, but this had to have been like 60? years ago if they were letting an 8-year-old buy cigarettes from the store?

ooh I’m not sure how long she believed it, but we convinced our daughter that there used to be teleporters. And in the early 90’s, before she was born, there were several horrible teleporter malfunctions, people rioted, and now teleportation is illegal. We told the story to my dad, who managed to casually drop “The

My mom would put presents under the tree labeled “From Santa” a week before Christmas. She just did not give a fuck.


I just use a muslin cloth and warm water. I’m a delicate flower.

I’m super late on this, but when I was 4 or 5, I was presented with eggs benedict at a fancy breakfast. I did not want to eat them because they weren’t scrambled. So my dad told me that I used to eat them all the time “when you were younger”, and that I loooooved them. I gobbled them right up.

I brought a pillow to the theater and people looked at me like I was nuts. Let me tell you, I was the only person not trying desperately to get comfy in a theater seat by the end of it. And I was pregnant at the time.

I wore the cassette tape out playing it in my car. ANGST SISTERS UNITE

I got chills when the music started. Huge chills all down my body.

oh wtf kinja. I edit my other comment and this one gets edited too. Fuck you very much.

Aw thank you. Yeah I’m trying to get across that he’s a jerk, maybe even a bigger asshole than your typical teenage boy, but the difference is he’s got people who can make his assholery happen.

I’m going to choose to believe that “inspirational fall quotes” means The Fall.

Wow kinja double-posted. I meant to say “How did that lady get left off this list?”

I think what makes it is that they’re all looking at the camera, but William is looking at his family. It looks less posed like that, I think.

Sadly, no. :(

Hah! I just posted about almost the same thing happening to my sister-in-law. Do we have the same brother? (If we do you can keep him though)

My brother’s wife had her second kid in their bathroom at home as well. She thought it was just Braxton-Hicks right up until suddenly she had to push.

One of our players fell asleep in the middle of a game. While we were all sitting at the actual table in our house.