many bells down wears many stupid hats

I’m the daughter of an aerospace engineer. I had my first computer around 1980. I learned to solder. I am married to a programmer but there is no part of computer maintenance that he does that I don’t. Unless I want to code something in C++, it’ll be faster to do it myself anyway.

The thing about potty training is that no two kids seem to have the same motivation. Someone will say “oh a sticker chart totally works no problem!” but my kid would not have given one shit about (or for) stickers. Suggestions, but no guarantees.

We also have a Google calendar. I am the one who puts everything on it, for everyone in the house. It is shared with everyone. And yet people* in my house, standing there with smartphones in hand, will say “What time is my doctor’s appointment? Do we have plans Sunday?”

...I hope you mean “changed” as in “purchased new ones” and not “I take them off the bed and wash them every 6-12 months”

Wait a minute, I know this screen name. You comment on my friend’s Facebook page, don’t you? Beauty is Inside?

He’s getting so emotional.

We had the biggest fight once over the fact that “please put away the groceries” meant ALL the groceries, not just the stuff in bags, and that big box of food from Costco in the middle of the kitchen was indeed groceries.

The funny thing is that mine will get really anxious if he thinks there’s the slightest thing wrong with my car. Oh god what’s that noise does it always do that shouldn’t you go get gas and when was the oil last changed??

I have to have mine out and I’m almost 43. :( Not looking forward to it.

I have to admit, though, I am utter shit at thank-you cards still. I hope that my alternate tactic of chatting with you for 30 minutes on Facebook or Skype about your life after thanking you will suffice instead.

Well for clothes shopping he is a pretty stereotypical man, in that he loathes it and will not do it if at all possible. So yes, if he needs boxer shorts or a dress shirt or something, I will probably be the one picking out whatever it is. Simply because he won’t be in the store at all if he can avoid it. Several of

Clothing is great for that, because some days I want to be a biker bitch, some days I want to be a retro cutie in a full skirt, and some days I’m going 100% suburban mom in leggings and a sweater with my latte in hand.

I notice he didn’t answer my question about where he’d put stuff if he lived alone. In a heap in the middle of the floor, maybe, since he so adamantly does not care.

I felt this way for so long too, especially about things like Christmas cards. And then I realized “Wow, it was so nice of Lord Voldemort to send us a Christmas card! It’s lovely to be remembered!”

Okay well I’m sorry that you can’t spare two brain cells to remember where something goes in a kitchen that you, an otherwise functional adult, use.

Speaking only for myself, my husband will frequently ask me what I want him to wear. 99% of the time I really don’t care. I think he sees me dressed nicely and wonders vaguely if he should wear something nicer than a Super Mario t-shirt (he’s a programmer). I’m not trying to dress him a certain way, but he thinks I

Oh man this resonated with me. I asked my brother the same thing, only it was to pick up some of the slack of caring for our father. Because the person who was handling it all was our baby sister, who was sixteen at the time. I lived over an hour away. He was 10 minutes away. But I got the guilt trip from him because

It’s not even that we think men can’t do it, either. Mr. Bells is really good at some things! Like, we’re watching TV and every time he gets up he’ll ask if he can get me anything. EVERY time! He’s clearly thinking about me. It’s just that some things it doesn’t occur to him that he could actually just handle. That he

However...ToysRUs does now have a much smaller (around 10”) REMOTE CONTROL ONE THAT ACTUALLY WALKS, OMG.