
Sure, but what do they call the front half?

To be fair, he was probably just pumped up after they played this as his walk up song...

Curt Schilling: “The problem is baseball has gotten too soft. We’re allowing far too many of them to come into the country and it is not as white as it used to be.”

Given my experience in these situations, this went one of to ways:

The Cardinals’ bullpen should be loaded into a rocket and fired at the sun...

From you comment, it’s clear that you want it all... but you can’t have it.

Meh, I'd call that a draw.

Such a shame. This should’ve been...

I only regret that I have but one star to give.

it’s just a bad plan for the Mets to try any new ideas in general

p.s. fuck these chuckleheads.

I’m afraid the same way Newtown made brutally clear the emotional callousness of many when it comes to firearm policy...

Fair point. (Though I would argue there’s not exactly a strong foundation of mathematical understanding lurking behind most people’s reading comprehension failures. Scariest of all is the unfounded/over confidence with which most of us approach our daily challenges.)

Ball: $0.05

Yeah, if I had it to do again, I’d go with “a significant number”

I’m legitimately interested in your perspective here. Do I believe there are shades of blame to what happened in 2016, absolutely. Do I believe there is an equivalency to the political sins of both parties over the past 30 years, particularly the past decade, absolutely not. Did it take a failing of nearly every

Exactly. Leave it to the NFL to find the worst possible solution to a problem that no longer needed to be addressed.

(This is mostly snark...) I will not back down from calling people who fly the Confederate flag and decry the patriotism of others, “idiots”

I understand your point, which is why my (somewhat humoristic comment) is qualified with “the majority.”
