
“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

You didn’t mention that up until a few years ago the Europa League was rightly seen by everyone as a worthless garbage competition because it *was*. Now that winning it comes with a Champions League ticket that didn’t previously exist, it’s obviously a much higher priority for teams not at the top of their league

Very good chance that if they go to court that Faraday Future (the car company) would prevail on basically that argument. Also see Chevrolet Beretta vs. Beretta the handgun maker. The “similar name causing confusion” has never to my knowledge been successfully litigated by any kind of young company, only by old

If Chevy can have a Bolt and Yamaha can have a Bolt, and Mercury Marine co-existed for all these years alongside Mercury the car maker, I just don’t see how Faraday Future could be confused with Faraday Bicycles.

I dont buy clothes online. I want to try them on before i buy it. I have an aversion to returning things.

Of all the things you can by online. clothing to me, is one you really need to try on in person. Yes, you can order it & return it if it isn’t right. However, that is a lot more hassle than schlepping to a B&M location and making sire something fits right before spending money on it. I imagine a good amount of online

This is awful. While we in the racing community understand that serious injury and death is always a possibility, we never imagine it happening to such young individuals.

The way things have been going, he’ll probably get 49.999999999 percent — and then lose in June.

Coincidentally, about an hour ago (3:00pm on Monday afternoon). I’m sitting in front of a coffee shop and there’s a shitfaced old drunk parked in the red zone right in front of me. He’s obviously trashed; puking out the window, nodding in and out, etc. Shitfaced Drunk in the middle of the afternoon. I called 911, cops

I think a few other people have explained the obvious answer to that already. Also, the article states they jumped to protect her from the “threat” of the authorities who tried to take her. Sounds like they were doing a hell of a lot better of a job than her own biological family did.

“ in the news, the Monkey Conservative Party voted to cut banana funding for orphans found in the forest.”

Honestly, I may not be a huge fan of his but after last week’s gas attack... this was probably a good move. It shows strength at a time that most nations are probably questioning whether this administration will be a complete pushover with a big mouth.

Considering the top rocket technology in the world is Russian & is currently being used by every union including the US as the standard Russia is right, without Russia the US rocketry program would be decades behind at this point & still be using outdated technolgy.

While waiting for bespoke cars isn’t a new thing, this post reminded me of an article I read in the NYT last year. Its argument was about how, as our society moves towards instant gratification (binging a whole series on Netflix, Prime delivery, etc. etc.), the ability and willingness to wait for a quality product is

When I get loaded, people call me “sir” all the time. Usually in the context of “please calm down, sir” or “sir, you will need to get down from the table”

My freedom is more important than security. I’m perfectly okay with the risk involved. I know not everyone agrees with me and their state of mind says security is more important than freedom. However, once freedom vanishes you rarely still have security.

see here is that could go in our messed up nation;

on #1. yeah, you would. in certain states they freak out and go overboard to “protect the children”. It’s worse if you are a single dad or Gay.

dude, been there. not pretty. but you explain and that’s it. Luckily the teacher understood that my daughter learned it in school in Germany.

Scummiest thing an airline ever did to me was bump my toddler from a flight.