
Just waiting to see if this is the fault of the Gays, blacks, immigrants or Obama. It will take a few days to sort out blame

It’s kinda like aMangustaa and a LFA bastard. From the 80's. That’s trying to be Dino Gt4. Kinda yuck

Funny, the design for NX 01 was the one thing I liked about that show, to be it made sense. Let’s hope both of these do well but I’m still not playing for CBS access

Funny how he would be totally OK with the US gassing Muslims though

Dude, facts. No! He does not see that.

Don’t talk to them about politics, it’s worthless.

Fun, weird but fun

It’s a shame, I liked the show. Silly and fun

Dude, just go eat some crow and go buy the Ft. Lauderdale Strykers. They have a fan base, and a stadium that can be enlarged. They are central to the three counties (Dade, broward, Palm Beach ) so you’ll get visits from all three.

Just him and his uberfrau first lady, his daughterwife

Ain’t Kim G too old and not blonde enough for him?

As a Chelsea fan all I can say is; “fuck you Mo.” I hope Ajax fucks you in the Cardiff ground.

When that car can give another the finger while cutting him off on the BQE we can talk

As a Chelsea man all I can say is; GO AJAX!! and fuck Mo

“And how will I get my revenge?”

Like typhoid Mary? They said the same about the: Irish, Italians, Jews, Eastern Europeans. Etc.

They’re killing another of my faves. Fuck

This just in: tea company sues rapper.

I find it interesting that American conservatives are loving LePen but forget that she did not come to America to meet the president as other world leaders and candidates do. She went and kissed the hand of Putin.

I’m a fan of Lewis but not sure he could drive it. Getting bumped and tapped the way they love to do