
“having been shot down by rebel RUSSIAN forces in eastern Ukraine over roughly the last year and a half.”

I really enjoyed that, can’t explain why.

Clearly, the best weapon against ISIS is our crack squad of Nigerian princes.

Fuck you. I worked my ass off the last 25 years. I raised a family and sent them off into the world. I have a decent income and less bills. I now am at a point where I can afford the things I wanted during that whole time but held off due to being ‘responsible’. But now I’m having a “crisis” because I bought an

Call up Vin Diesel!

What a fucking scumbag.

HELL NO! That’s ALIEN SPAWN which will be blown into our atmosphere to to mutate our spiders!!!!


Yeah, it’s living a shitty life. I couldn’t see otherwise with it having aid, leukemia, chronic kidney disease, and other chronic conditions not disclosed. And this bastard has been keeping him alive for almost ten years now.

“When Steiner decided to keep Pindar alive against the vet’s advice, “I knew then that it made no sense,” says Steiner, a strict ethical vegan who nevertheless feeds Pindar meat-based, kidney-diet cat food from a can.”

This is one of those scenarios where you just have to remind yourself that animals do eat other animals. They don’t “need” to be the evolved vegetarian or vegan that you have the privilege of being. Many (but not all) humans are in a unique position to control our environment and what/when/where we eat. Since an

Oof, Spaceballs is a chore now. Blazing Saddles is, of course, still perfection.

I’ll have an A610 please.

They are real alright.

Please use your paintball gun to shoot at drones.

Please don’t fire your gun into the sky trying to shoot down a drone.

This is the breast thing I’ve read all week

Add in the fact that they're fighting for their families, friends, and homeland, and not some daft idea of religious manifest destiny, and every trigger pull is that much more crucial.