
Could some of this crap be that a lot of people are glad it happened but dont want or cant admit they are?

Its Italian, what does FIAT stand for again? LOL its not a honda but not as bad as the old days ( I owned an X 1/9 in HS and that was hell) But; 1- I dont hoon it (much) and don’t go tracking. However, I dont care, I love that car.

She still thinks I’m dumb for going out of my way to find a tunnel to drive through. 😂

Wife thought the 500 abarth was cute and the test drive made her liked it but mostly for the silly look on my face. She trains to work so I get that all to my self

There’s another version? 😂

Has she driven it?

My wife sees me drooling over old Alfas and just laughs. She loves the dorkness of it and tells her friends that it’s not other women so it’s good.


As a dude who loved the original Ocean’s and the remakes I can’t wait for this, a fan of most of these women individually and want to see Mindy in something besides her TV show.

Will still be a better car Co than Faraday

When infinity started their ads had shots of waterfalls, blocks of wood, slabs of marble but no cars, just Donald Sutherland talking.

Where was Rob?

Shhhh, that can be considered racist to someone looking

Sorry to interfere in your adorable debate but. During the Rodney King riots K-town was burned by the protesters what did the Koreans do to the black community?

I love how everyone is attacking NASCAR but defends this con man. Yes, NASCAR has massive issues (and sucks) but this dude is a scam artist. The color of his skin does not change that. For the record, I’m black/latino

How long until dumbass in clown suit meets dumbass believing in “stand your ground”?

Alaweed Bin Talal was the Arab Prince that was going to pay for part of the 9/11 mosque.

First, glad she is OK. Not a fan but that is scary shit. Second, how the fuck did these guys get past hotel security, her detail and the gazillion waiting paparazzi waiting outside?!

He has two types of fans: 1- the system, the parties and the elites who run both of them lied and cheated me so if they hate him then I’ll take him. And 2-hate filled, brown hating, gay hating, liberal hating extreme conservative nut jobs.

What the fuck, just what the fuck is wrong with him? Dude, I can’t even. Just. Fuck.