
Value voters did not care about his divorces

Will not hurt him. His base will just love him more. He could admit he slept with Ivanka and her kids are his and his base will just say “well he loves family”

I wonder if this is actually hurting the businesses, has anyone looked?

he’ll declare banruptcy

Not sure daddy shares

problem is Trump new those guys better

Hell, I would not blame Canada for building one.

Let me save the Trump Brownshirts the time: “Good, That is what Trump will do for Murka short our creditors, this guy deserves it for somehow trying to screw trump, blah, blah”

so when the faculty member misses and shoots your kid. you’ll be ok

fuck! I tried to be snarky but I can’t. I just can’t. fuck.

Christ, these two together! I think my wife will faint from how hard her panties melt!

I hate that these two are our choices but anyone really thinking of voting for the Libertarian of Green tickets after last night need their head examined.

Last night after he talked about jobs, she should have responded that he declared bankruptcy, that when he did that he walked away with money an d his workers lost their jobs, that’s his expertise in building jobs. But she did not. She missed so many chances to hit him, to piss him off, to hurt but nope

So I just showed this to an anti vaxx Colleague, she thinks this woman is not really a believer a”real believer” “knows the kids immune system would fight this and win” oy

best hope for the show. However, (as much as it kills me to say this) I say kill off the Stig and let Sabine rule the track, she is awesome and can drive the hell out of anything plus she is funny as hell

While I agree that she should be harassed endlessly for wearing Crocs no one should harass her for being gay, that is horrible.

so how long until the idiotic joke of dressing up like a clone runs across the idiotic mindset of “stand your ground” and some dumb-ass shoots a dumb-ass

Maybe he did not want her taking the kids to a war zone where they could be killed or kidnapped? maybe?

Now playing

I normally don’t agree with this guy but he’s right:

Sadly it does not matter, sadly he will win, sadly we will have fucked ourselves and sadly we will deserve it.