
Yes she does and is incredibly smart but somehow they make her and any other smart, successful women seem like loony fools tricked into or forced into dating older men. As if somehow younger women would not be interested in them. I would not date someone much younger since my daughter in 25 and to me its too “weird”

Well its jezebel and he is an older man so obviously he must be holding her against her will forcing her to be with him. Just like George Clooney must be forcing Amal.

Roman Hipsters

pant. pant. pant. just start already!!!!!

Damn, that’s pretty! should have been made.

from what I get he is a real gearhead. I get it, I am beginning to think Chris Harris is a douche for owning a bunch of Ferraris he wont let Sun touch.

i’ve you had them, would you be douchey or awesome? I would be douchey cause damn why not?

First Alpina comes back to life, then TVR and now this!?

no, she’s better. Her and Mia Sara where the closest thing to perfection in my youth

GOD! that is just so beautiful! Bugatti?

no, read the story, she was found in a field.

I’m getting the feeling something happened between them. I think he might have made a pass at her, got turned down and he just can’t let it go.

SO Much Win in this pic!

USAF PJs,BABY! Because, sometimes even navy Seals dial 911.

Sadly, daughter started to read that when she got her first “real” job. she put it down and called it just that “shit”.

When the NFL is the good guy, you know you effed up.

boo-fucking hoo. tell me what prison he is going to. I’d like to sign him up for the “lube O’ the month club” asshole.

uhm. “normal” man here. raised my daughter on my own and the answer is no; we don’t. please don’t disparage all dad’s for the actions of a few.

WTF!? As a father of a wonderful young woman, I would like to be first on the long-ass line of dads willing to kick this asshole’s ass.