Fuck Fuck Fuck. Humas Suck!
Fuck Fuck Fuck. Humas Suck!
I kinda like “Mad Megyn Kelly” sounds tough.
Poor family, I hope they find this kid soon.
It’s weird but as a Floridian I see Seaworld as the place to take injured sea life. They’ve saved tons of Manatees’ doplhins, turtles, etc. but apparently they are all horrible humans.
well, this is Gawker Media, so they are probably upset that an obvious racist cop arrested this criminal.
guess yer right. monaco is an awesome street track though
well maybe those animas DO enjoy it? I am not saying they do or do not but since we do not know either way can we please stop issuing human emotions. though, and feeling to other species?
Either this was a huge PR Stunt or Penn really was working for the Feds. nothing else makes sense.
had it been a VW it would have been “awesome”, but as a Porsche...
Egypt can barely take care of what they have now. Also, look at what has happened to these treasures in Iraq and Syria. Extreme Islamists have already stated they would even destroy the Pyramids. Look what has happened to Timbuktu.
well no, I expect the Accord to be boring. It’s “design by accounting” but “luxury-ish” cars should not be this bland
yup, exactly. I hope they realize that ‘Vikings’ on the History Channel is just that.
Sad, he was getting better and finally winning.
no, some would still protest.
so either way get attacked?
but then if she never brings it up she can get attacked for being too “eurocentric” as she was attacked during the original stories
as a kid I used to play D&D, there was a book called “Oriental Adventure” that was an absolutely fictionalized “oriental” world. Fantasy Books are nothing but Fantasized “Eurocentric” (and to a very small amount of Arab mythology thrown in) universes, how is that different?