Mind you, My daughter loves her stuff and played it NON-FREAKING STOP! on a drive to DC.
Mind you, My daughter loves her stuff and played it NON-FREAKING STOP! on a drive to DC.
Dude, I dont hide that. she is very cute
But why in Texas? have it in Miami, NYC (OMG the sound!) San Diego. but Texas? Nascar, Football, Trucks, God and Guns Texas?
true but I think she could get a few Mil. from Neal Peskind. The prick has cash.
Glad it happened but why did it take the jury 7 hours, I would have decided in less than one? guilty
Frankly she should go after him separately for that. what an ass!
the thing about the hack is the it is plausible. I can see China/Russia trying to learn how if not done so already (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/…)
Christ! you would think a firearm shop owner would have better security. Its like a bank just using a padlock for the vault. But It’s Texas.
oh that would be funny!
Jess looked like a dude that would get pulled for “extra screening” at the airport = IE Middle Easterner as in an A-rab.
Also, Jesus would not drive a Beemer. Jesus = Aston or Land Rover Murkan Jesus = F-150
the problem is that China kinda still thinks they can control him. I am more concerned about the one General he has thought of killing him or trying to start a war to blame him
is it me or is David D just bland on this? She is amazing as usual but he is just not “there”
Sabine Schmidt, Matt LeBlanc and Chris Harris will do. Sabine can do double duty and Stig/presenter if need be.
As long as Sabine Schmitz is on, they can get rid of Chris. I like the idea of Matt.
what? so I guess that because I have the audacity to question her I am now a sexual deviant? I looked up “MRA” and I guess that questioning her makes me a; knuckle dragging, wife beating, woman hater I always assumed I was the dude raised by a single mom that went onto be a single dad, a dude that to this day still…
well. Hmm. First, not even sure what MRA is but assume its an insult based on the wordage on rest of answer and second what fight, your comment was very clear. even though he recorded it.
The Spyder look wrong. But this... ooh baby!
“. Of course it’s possible there’s something HE’S hiding from everyone, but I mean...he’s also really fucking hot, and a nice guy, so it’s hardly impossible that a woman wanted to fuck him” - Really? because he i a man it must be him doing it?
yes please!