
Usually not a Fan of Megyn but ever yonce in a while she seems to go off script.

Great read-thank you. an army buddy of mine’s daughter felt so weird living back in the States that she moved back to Germany as an adult. it just was easier to deal with people.

List is huge but:

Actually,its not just “the boys” some of the twenty-year old women in our office are I guess “dick-affluent”. I guess I am old but I never would speak of my sexual encounters but they do and several speak of “bangin’ the same dude” they met on some site.

Hey, why not. As of 2013:

While I think TS is an asshat, a massive jerk and lower than pondscum I do hope he beats this. this is a massive cash grab.

A friend owned one in HS (aeons ago) the car handled as if on rails, was quicker than a bat out of hell and more fun that barrel of monkeys but. BUT! it was made out of rust, with rust inducing paint, wiring that made Jags look good and horrible cooling.

on 6 train from GCT to Harlem this morning, dude gets between card to take a piss. Dude, Really!?

I wonder if he and Josh Duggar hang?

Yeah but Toyota Landyachts are AWESOME and kinda unkillable

love that, thank you. as a fanboy, though I just one of these:

Damn. passion is a beautiful thing.

what happened to the Toyota Hilux? that thing needs a serious shrine!

A second attempt at a Reliant Robin Shuttle! that was awesome!

How Telly ever got any girl to like him was and still is puzzling to me.

Star in a used car?

“ video test between the Porsche 918 Spyder, LaFerrari and McLaren P1”

Been debating signing up for Prime. this just decided for me.

Oh God! I need a cigarette and cuddle after that pic!

Had the 914 remained a VW it would have been awesome!