
They can just run the N&Q lines from Ditmars over to LGA. that alone will help. But Ol’ Uncle Biden is right, that place is just bad.

Tiger parenting only creates good middle management. It will not create the next Elon Musk. Those kids are not taught to question, to think outside the box, to break the rules when a better way exists.

lets not forget that as much as the Kurds deserve a State they have also attacked some of our allies. sadly, there are really no “good guys” out there. Once the Kurds get northern Iraq whats to stop them fro trying to get parts of Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Syria?

spot on!

Used to Enjoy Motorweek but after Top Gear that kinda got boring. Chasing Cars with Wayne is ok on occasion. Wheeler Dealers was kinda funny. The Hot Rod Shows annoy me, the Hot-rod customs annoy me.

well, its the US, profit is the motivation

For years women told us to be more like them, to share our feelings, our fears, etc. But when one man does...

would you write the same to a woman who no longer felt beautiful?

had he been Cuban or had the it been beisbol the city would have bent over for him. growing up in Miami and being non-cuban we learned that quick.

Are Black women no longer allowed to do Yoga since that would be appropriation of Hindi culture and religion? Are Black women not allowed to eat Sushi? Listen to Classical music?

why is it that the ones always screaming for less govt. intervention and free market are the quickest to work against that?

well braids and cornrows have existed in Europe and Asia since pagan times. BUT if she is arguing that only black women can use them then can white women give the same shit to black women going blonde?

70 should not be that hot

ALL HAIL HER ROYAL GILFNESS.!!! that woman is so damn hot!


I love a stick but when I moved to San Francisco gave up. How anyone can drive a Manual in those hills is beyond me.!

This is a great day for America!!

Listen to that!

personality? hmmm. Fiat 500 Abarth; not perfect by any means but personality in spades.

Why is she famous?