Manu's Bald Spot Returns

Compared to the two Mexico matches that was only “a little bit” CONCACAF’d

“You could actually see the summit at this point if the camera swung up. But screw that, let’s keep it aimed straight ahead at that guy’s buttcheeks instead.”

I love that ESPN’s finger is so far removed from the pulse that they genuinely had no idea that black journalists don’t want anything to do with Jason Whitlock. Whitlock offered to triple Ta-Nehisi Coates’ salary if he came to work for him, and Coates still said no. What else is there to say?

So they’re collecting their highest-profile black writers in one place to ensure that white people won’t accidentally click on them?

The GM is going to have a tough time replacing him in this market. I think Galette might have been the best a man can get.

Of course Bass didn’t respond, that reporter was looking for treble.

Canada: putting the second “U” in humourless since 1867.

From: James LeNouail

How the fuck is the only respectable email on there from Montreal?!!!!! Really Canada you are going to let MONTREAL be the voice of reason?

Nive job Samer. Now we’re gonna have to take the Jets away from Winnipeg again to show them who’s boss.

France, meanwhile, is thrilled to not be the venue for German-English fighting for a change.

What a strange Hill to dye on.

Berkley and her parents were also disqualified from last month’s Nap-A-Thon due to a violation of the Tuck Rule.

Good god... why not just use Comic Sans guys?

He’s a very sensitive guy, with his big doe eyes. And I was gonna shoot him, too, like you’d shoot a deer. But then people would start asking, “Who Shot J.R.?” And that would be a distraction to our team.

Didn’t like the packaging. It wasn’t in a suitcase or in a gift basket when he checked into his hotel room.

Krugerrands or GTFO


+ 27,000 worker deaths

I haven’t seen anyone struggle this much to get past Panama since 1914.