Manu's bald spot

From what I understand, it certainly isn't uncommon for kids who find success in Little League (specifically winning the LLWS) to go on without having comparable success in their adult/pro careers. I feel like ESPN did a short piece on it during last year or the year before's LLWS.

Yeah, they won fair and square. Can't take that away from them. Doesn't mean I can't say "Fuck New England."

Maybe I read the quote wrong but it sounds like they were trying to get a non-K ball into the rotation.

+1 Kirsten Dunst's awkward rack

I love that comment by the anchor at the end there.

Ha! I hadn't noticed the kid run off to the side under his own power the first time around. When I heard the news anchor say nobody was seriously hurt, I thought, "I guess we're gonna pretend that kid isn't writhing around on the ground in agony."

Down, Forward, Punch.

I mean, he might understand the math behind it... I've read through more than a few Deadspin articles where the writer goes into the general principles behind more advanced metrics in quite some detail. And by "read through," I mean sort of glazed over after a couple of lines into the piece because I didn't understand

+1 bazinga

+1 benign medical condition

I thought this was supposed to be some kind of performance art...

Ha! I said the same to myself when I saw that... I think I even have a screen grab of it, too.

If everyone reported/blogged with the same approach as Deadspin (regardless of the "seriousness" of the topic), the world would be a better place... Or at least the news would be a bit more fun to read.

"As just about everybody else has pointed out, Tim Duncan has been around for 929 of those wins . . ."

Not exactly a "You win the Internet," but it's my first endorsement of this type. Thank you for sharing this special moment with me. You're gonna call, right? Maybe?

+1 I don't quite get it, but I feel like this is funny.

"Update: He got caught."

Anyone foolish enough to challenge Boner Dog's gangsta reaches the same conclusion after getting dealt with... So that's probably for the best.

I'd like to see him try that weak-sauce shit on this guy. Better come correct if you wanna take it to the hole on Boner Dog... His D is rock hard.