I consider Oxford to be the most sensual of the grown up dictionaries…don't even talk to me about that bastard Webster.
I consider Oxford to be the most sensual of the grown up dictionaries…don't even talk to me about that bastard Webster.
Counterpoint - 7 brides for 7 brothers taught me that Oregon backwoodsmen legitimately DID dance around with their ax during "chopping time".
Duke Nukem 3d was wonderful. It helped me better interact with women.
Get to da choppa!
Game over 3ER! Game over!
The Shadow - overlooked and underrated!
So, after last night's episode, my suspension of disbelief failed me. I know audiences are stupid, but Hiddleston comes across as SUCH a boy scout among thieves (even during the final "skirmish" with Corky) that it is simply impossible to believe that Laurie cannot see that he is the leak. Kind of ruined the series…
Bill Paxton getting killed over and over? Now we're talking a franchise of sequels.
But in pig years…
Its always based on Hamlet, somehow.
That's why I only get my entertainment through Cinemax. To show those Disney thugs that they aren't the boss of me.
Will we get Veep's red band trailer next, please?
Happy Madison Productions' next feature film:
Jaws: Deuce Bigolow, Aquatic Gigolo
She'll get the automatic boost from Trump's supporters.
I remember when they released "Of Kings and Prophets" simply as "Kings." I loved Ian McShane for those short 7 episodes.
A Lost Song of Ice & Fire?
OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby will probably be the last ones around.
And also prescription drugs.