
“Disastrous” Enlglish album? Are you fucking kidding me?

This song is my favorite off of Hikki’s new album.

People who get violent, and then run like the pussies they are, deserve everything they get from society.

Pathetic. This is what femtards consider “journalism”? No wonder you all fail. LMAO.

Your opinion is teh only one that matters. Thank you. All these white folks running around being offended for us, like we are retarded children and they are our parents.

It’s not “racist”. It;s fucking fictional. What teh fuck is wrong with you people?

Exactly. Everyone feels that their opinion matters, when it really doesn’t. Enjoy the game or play something else.

Cultural appropriation is a myth. Give it the fuck up already.

She got that Latina thickness. Looks straight up like a Brazilian. I approve.

This is what happens when you hire young artists and designers and stop relying on the old guard with antiquated ideas in game design. For everything that people like Miyamoto have contributed to Nintendo and gaming as a whole, his design philosophy is really archaic when compared to modern games. The designers of

You should speed up the process and play in some traffic.

He’s not “smart enough”, yet turned a million into billions, runs several succesful companies, and became President of the United States with no political experience. Yeah, he is such a dumb fuck. He can barely wipe his ass, yet he made it to being our President!

It’s this type of shit that has made it my mission to never support Bethesda by not buying any of their games. What a fucking company.

Good. After playing 125 hours, I still could not get used to the HORRENDOUS job the US voice “actress” for Zelda did. It was truly atrocious. I physically cringed every time that fake-ass British accent showed up, and I wondered why Monolith didn’t hire one of their amazing Xenoblade Chronicles actors to pick up the

Um, why are you playing a cash-grab mobile game instead of spending your money on teh real games on the 3DS? Don’t complain about mobile games when it’s meant to be a gateway to more robust experiences on real gaming devices.

Seriously, what the hell is going on with Nintendo these days? They said that they wanted to consolidate their console and portable output, so they created the Switch. Everyone was excited to finally have Nintendo’s console and portable games on one single console, if only to avoid game droughts that plagued the Wii

Liberalism is normalizing censorship.

Liberal hypocrisy knows no limits.

Gantz was dope, fuck what you heard. Also, Gantz Zero was amazing. This, however, did nothing for me.

A failed liberal journalist calling teh second most powerful man in teh world a “joke”? You libcunts are fucking embarrasing. It’s like dealing with children with you people. SAD!