
Too fucking bad. He is your president. Show some fucking respect.

You fucking losers are still referrencing “Russian Ties”? Fucking pathetic. No wonder your site was sued to oblivion and all of you failed journalism majors could only find “job” here. You have no talent and are fucking worthless pieces of race baiting shit.

It’s because the amount fo money being made from the NES classic just might not be enough for them to continue making it. I mean, it’s just pure business. They don’t do it to be spiteful. They may have just realized that the cost of manufacturing a miniature console and selling it for $30 just did not bring them the

Seriously, stop with this political shit. I don’t come here for that crap. I come here (rarely) to read about games, not some shitty liberal bullshit. 

This is awesome! Round up the criminals and let them suffer teh swift axe of the law.

Youtube has ads?

Still salty ass bitches, I see. Keep it the fuck up. You will ensure his relection with your child like behavior. Failed community college fucks.

More reactionary bullshit that does not stem from any real world understanding of how society functions. JonTron said what he said out of frustration. It was not racist, hateful or xenophobic. It is the truth, plain and simpl, whether you want to hear it or not. You bleeding hearts want to hold hands and sing camp

“Modern Art”


This is not even close to being the best opening. It’s Coda’s Bloody Stream from Season 2. 

No muscles, no Jojo.


I never realized that Ueda was so damn sexy. Holy shit, dude is FINE.

So fucking lame, dude. Get a job or a hobby and stop posting on stories just to shit on Nintendo.

No. Most of us are older than 12.

This is why Nintendo is so protective of its IP’s, why DENUVO is an asset to the industry, and why we can’t have nice things. Nintendo will see this and really go harder (on making it difficult for those of us who do things legally) to play their games. It’s shit like this that makes me hate the gaming community.

Stop it. You aren’t funny.

Most of you assholes do not understand what it’s like to be a 13-year-old gay male. It is lonely, and you look for love wherever you can find it. Sometimes you find it in older men. I lost my virginity to a 24 year old man when I was 13-14, and it was an experience I will never regret. It taught me a lot about myself,

Wow, you fucking useless assholes really have lost it, haven’t you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I mean, fuck the Democratic process and let’s just get rid of people we don’t like. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Your Liberal Autistic screeching drowns out any semblance of rhyme and reason, and you and your kind should go back to