Manuél Ferrari

I’m betting a squirrel or some other tasty tidbit like a house cat had found refuge inside the car from the pack of dogs trying to eat it.

What do you know?!? Ricky Bobby was actually telling the truth!

Silly dogs, that car doesn’t have a wishbone suspension!


I always enjoyed Ben Franklin’s argument against the eagle, that it was a bird “of poor moral character”.

Wow...Trump really does not let any slight go unchallenged.

Correction: Angry muppet looks like a bald eagle.

Maybe they will revoke my citizenship for this, but I have always thought bald eagles were really goofy looking. I mean, it’s better than the turkey, which is what Ben Franklin wanted, but still. Bald Eagles look like angry muppets.

I love the CLK and the GT1 so much. Even though they made mockery of homologation rules and caused the death of their entire racing class.

Fuck that, bring this back.

Is that a roof scoop? I love those.

I. Can’t. Wait!

The question is will this be a Hamilton car or a Rosberg car.

Waiting for confirmation of the driver’s Galaxy Note 7 that slipped under the seat....

I sure hope anyone who drives a restored Formula 1 based Italian supercar keeps a fire extinguisher in the car at all times. ESPECIALLY A FERRARI!

Sorry, was excited about engines. Thanks!