Manuél Ferrari

I agree that if it was literally not usable until warm that would be annoying. But the author seemed to be exagerating to me for comedic effect. I’ve test driven an E60 M5 and I owned an E90 M3. Neither is literally unable to keep up with normal traffic while the oil is warming up, that was an exaggeration. You can

WTF are you talking about? So is a modern Ferrari “unacceptable” when the weather is cold? I wouldn’t push a Ferrari with a dry sump motor hard until the oil is up to operating temperature either. And that takes some time if it’s not hot out.

Very true. But he is the most frustrating to me because he doesn’t have to be one. There are famous douches who contribute nothing to society. They’re just useless. But Musk is obviously a sharp guy and has contributed to society. He doesn’t have to say douchey things, he just does because he can’t help it.

If Musk isn’t voted 2016 Douche of the Year, then people die.

There you go, nailed it!

That’s pretty hilarious. They had it in the worst setting just to make their review difficult.

That’s pretty sweet then!

It sounds kind of awesome to me. Except for the front splitter.

It’s all about the seats. I’m 6' and am not comfortable in some cars due to their idiotic seats.

Um but I think #1 depends on how much money you make in the first place ;)

You magnificent SOB. I never even considered one looking like a Muppet. And now I can’t look at a bald eagle picture without imagining it talking to me in a Muppet voice.

“Like someone addicted to meth, the teeth on the gear can start to decay and fall out, with catastrophic results.”

Ah yes, not 8 figures (yet)

This car wasn’t related to F1 like the F50 was. But your point is still valid. A fire extinguisher was a must. I haven’t read the details or watched the video yet so maybe the guy did have one but it failed to put out the fire so we should give him the benefit of the doubt.
If not that was a mistake. Any special

That’s so annoying when a car struggles in the mountains. Especially if you’re on a two lane road and cars are getting stuck behind you.

High horsepower engines ≠ dangerous.

OMG. So nice! I heard the motor is also more reliable than the Corvette they yanked it from because they learned from those teething issues.

I want the R63 so badly.