Manuél Ferrari

E63 AMG All-Terrain or GTFO!

Man. If they AMG this thing, they could out-oddball even the R63.

I for one welcome our new conspicuously hidden wagon overlords.

That’s no sidenote! Everyone that pulled up this article is more excited about the color(s) than the fact that a hypercar got caught speeding.

Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:

sidenote the GT looks fieeeeerce in those militaryish colors

“We can confirm that (company A) is not in discussion with (company B) in respect of any potential investment.”

It’s a BMW in a Toyota dress.

Will it come with a wife beater and bro shades?

I alone am your Mercedes pickup.

Thank you. I feel like everyone is being too fake feminist to comment on Holme’s ridiculous style choices. But she deserves to have her appearance commented on. She looks like she was dressed to play the

Quit bringing facts into my joke!

Never feel sorry for a grifter. They may not be fully aware of what they’re doing, but they’re still dangerous predators. When they get involved in medicine people can die. I hope they send her to the slammer.

“Feminism - cuz we want to burn down the world just like men do, yet with a vague feeling of moral superiority”.

Lol what ?