Manuél Ferrari

I didn't think you were really, I just wanted an excuse to add to my original rant and I thought you had a good point. :)

I still don't know what Poland ball is. Does it involve invasion?

Dicklens? Spermbags? Semenhosen?



Check yourself, Mark. Octopi are ADORABLE. They're also incredibly intelligent and they will one day be kind rulers once they've enslaved humanity... I mean... uh... YOU SAW NOTHING, HUMAN!

ding ding ding! They hate themselves so much and the only place they know to direct it as at women.. for being sooo stingy with our love affection and not doting on the pathetic losers. When in reality, women love men! We just don't love space wasters.

Oh thank goddess - I thought it was a cluster* of decaying, used condoms.

* Collective noun for a group of used condoms? Anybody?

Oh my God at the Uni soo many white dudes told me I got in because of affirmative action. Watching them flunk out of organic chemistry was divine.

I appreciate the response and I have no doubt you're sincere. It's easy to box away hate filled assholes like this because we want to picture them as complete and utter assbags in real life and think it's obvious to everyone else as well.

Ding Ding Ding, back in the day women had no options but to marry. So every loser had a wife but now women have options and those losers don't have the great life that was "promised" to them by desperation.

I only know because I saw a pic of him from a trial where he was an expert witness. Someone posted kiddy porn on 4chan and he showed up to explain why the defendant was most likely guilty (i.e. IP address matched the defendants SP's list for his account at time of upload and such). And he looked young. I think he

That doesn't explain the Tucker Max, bro/frat dude/hypermasculine guy who has no trouble attracting women and has sex with a different woman every night. They don't actually care for their partners; in fact, they treat them with contempt and scorn, like blow-up dolls. I think blaming men's loneliness/virginity for

This owl also likes a pussycat.

Men who are lonely because they don't have a gf/wife blame women. Women who are lonely because they don't have a bf/husband blame themselves.

I think this is a dangerous theory.

They sat on the couch in the garage, drinking cheap beer and muttering misogynist comments under their breath. Like Beavis & Butthead, without the self-awareness and wit.

I'm genuinely curious - what did these people do before the internet existed?

This is what I think of the assholes who are making shit like this happen: