Patrick - if you're ever in the San Francisco Area, let me know - you can take mine for a spin while we hunt for kidnappable little people.
Patrick - if you're ever in the San Francisco Area, let me know - you can take mine for a spin while we hunt for kidnappable little people.
Listen: Sometimes you gotta kidnap people. It's just how things are. Don't question it. However, the National…
They should get better zip-cuffs. I love my S&W MP cuffs, but when I have to carry plastic (numbers matter, sometimes), I like the Max-Cuffs or the Safariland better. Also, tie those things tight. If it's bad enough on the plane that you need these, you don't worry about the perp's comfort.
It was a big game for fans of Polish NFL players.
Davis has released a statement apologizing for his role in the incident and requesting that the media respect their privacy.
Qantas flight 24 from Bangkok to Sydney was diverted to Cairns on Sunday morning, after a drunk passenger repeatedly…
Love the color. Burple!
OK.. Let's take a simple outlook regarding the use of smart munition...
As a frenchman, I find this statement quite entertaining...
At least you say "partly", which doesn't imply that we're as responsible as the USA (and/or the CIA) for dropping bombs all over the Middle-East since the 80's while empowering great men like Saddam Hussein or Bin Laden.
You rock, keep it up.
Here's a good rule of thumb. If Fox News is the only source you can find, it might not actually be a vetted fact.
The Rafale is one sexy plane, it looks like a supercar that rains death while sipping machiato.
How has no one mentioned anything about the short shorts in the video? That was some Lt. Dangle level exposed thigh.
That drives me crazy too. I have to read every single email on my phone. In my outlook at work I couldn't give less of a shit, though. I have well over a thousand unread emails.
My friends send me screenshots that show the battery indicator between 1 and 5%.
MMMmmmmmmm dat ass
How an engine intended for racing at the highest level found a home in a storied automaker's vanity project.
I can't believe I'm hearing this. All fours? No, the best method is on your back like a baby having his diaper changed.
Today, a tipster sent us a bit of gossip about Derek Jeter's sex life that comes from what he claims to be a very…