Manuél Ferrari

Yeah I guess a lot of these guys are either young or not really into cars. I have nice cars and drive slow as fuck when I come to LA. Between the people speeding, people going too slow, and people in huge SUVs blocking your line of site it's pretty dangerous.

True, good points. And there is no more late night in LA as far as driving is concerned. People are up at all hours so the roads are never truly deserted.

Both these drivers are fucking assholes.

Thank goodness it wasn't an F1!

Yeah most probably. Sound is very important for them. They're already getting a lot of flak for the lack of sound from the 488. If their V12 cars went turbo then Lambo would have a big leg up on them in the sound department.

Damn it. Now the F12 isn't going to depreciate anytime soon. People that are looking to buy and hold their car will be a bit nervous about hybrid drive having gremlins after the warranty is up.

Me too ;(


And there is simply no way to make the TT V12 sound as good as an N/A V12.

No I think they are all different. The first one is a dark metallic. The second one is a lot lighter. And the third one is their traditional non-metallic dark blue that has some purple in it.

But blue would like your consideration as well:

You used to have one?

YES. You win the comments

Torque is more important than monies

but you have a twin turbo Merc with a small third world country's amount of torque



I wonder if she took them to the grave or if she told her son.

I had not thought of that. Interesting theory. I can see how men would get a warped sense of how the world should work and how women should treat them and vice versa, and how they would feel around western women.

We should each be entitled for 1 ride along flight since we put $3000 into the program!