Manuél Ferrari


and you don't need the CSI as the base car!

And with an extra $50K you can get moar power and pretend you have an F1

you're probably right!

oh haha now i see them

they don't show up on my computer!

But if you forget to change the timing belt you're screwed X-D

Both incorrect.

We're both too stubborn to back down, haha

When are you getting yours?


I just realized I misread your comment.

I still dislike the rule!

That's my whole point! The call sucked because the rules suck!

Who said I like it? I don't like it. My only point is that the rules suck and I think they should be modified to avoid situations like this in the future.

they were not my points, they were his. I was just saying that most the commenters (at the time I commented) were not referencing his point about there being a very slim chance of the ball going in and some even tried to make it sound like he was saying that the ball probably would have gone in.

I'm so sorry :( That is so sad that she got cancer.

We exist! I want to have as many as my future wife wants to have. If she wants 3 that's great. If she wants 5 even better.

Also it makes us guys feel OK about wearing sweat pants too. If our partner is always dressed in fancy pants then we feel pressured to always be fancy as well!

I don't understand why nobody gets your point. Your point seems solid to me. You never said the shot had a decent chance of going in, you're specifically saying that it most probably would not have gone in but that nobody can say with 100% certainty that a lucky bounce would not have led to it going in.