Manuél Ferrari

I know it was used for racing. But what I meant was that they were developed primarily for production cars, then used in race series that use production-based cars. When I think of "race-derived" I think of technologies that were invented for pure race cars and then later trickled down to production cars. For example

I don't know anything about anything so I can't have an opinion on this. But I do know that the F-14 was my favorite jet when I was a kid in the 80s. So that makes me wish it was still around. I remember putting together model jets and being so happy when I got the F-14.

Was SMG really "race-derived"? I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, not trolling.

Also imagine keeping this thing running for more than a few years. It's hard enough for us to keep our N/A bimmers on the road. Imagine maintaining a turbo charged bimmer with batteries and electric motors. So many German electronics to fail.

Nobody has made a stereotypical Audi joke yet! Jalopnik I am amaze.

I think the new V10 Lambo uses mixed port/direct injection as well.

Don't feel bad! It is what it is. We can't help but notice this stuff. And if we're noticing it you know that other people, including the police, are noticing it. Police probably think that bros are more likely to drink and drive or have drugs in the car. Porsches are associated with dentists, which is a good thing. I

Also you don't see roided out bros driving a 348! I was driving my M3 the other day and saw the bro-iest bros of the century in the same car. It gave me a sad.

Nice! You can get a hell of a deal on an 03 now too.

My god it's beautiful!

I knew it!

Hahaha I was thinking the same thing


Haha true!


LOL to it being a feature. I like your line of thinking.

I wish ;(

Also the regular Boxster doesn't have those sexy humps!

I prefer "Porsche Cayman Soft-top Spyder Convertible"

Haha yes!