Manuél Ferrari

mINd iS SO coNFuSE

Haha I thought they are all black!

The EC12 is soooo nice. It is 458 based. Eric Clapton was willing to pay them to squeeze the V12 into it but Ferrari said it simply wouldn't fit.

I didn't know leasing was already a thing in the 80s. I was only 8!

I've read that the V8 R8 is a really good track car. People say it's built so well that it takes track abuse nicely!

I think I know what you mean

Thanks! It was just off the top of my head. Funny cause the first one you added is the first one I would actually buy next, despite not being confident that it will see good appreciation.

Crazy, huh! I think it actually was the first F car to be offered with a DCT because it launched before the 458. But they also offered the 6MT. But everyone paid more for the DCT.

i dunno


my god you're right

meth will let me get everything done without having to sleep


Yes, if you get the right color combo:

wat is science?

It's Santorini

also if this blue car had Manuél inside i would have already sold my house for it

You mean like this?

This makes absolutely no sense. Being the only option on a terrible team leads to a terrible shooting percentage if you're not good.
