Manuél Ferrari

funny cause when i did the google search to see what it was i saw links to ebay ads for empty bottles!

correct. i was just thinking of a company going bankrupt like a car being wrecked. no insurance for bankruptcy!

This is true! And there is insurance for them. There was no insurance when my Dad lost $100K of Enron stocks.

Those jerks!

i looked it up. didn't know what it was

i actually don't think the odds are bad at all. i honestly think i would be much better at picking cars that will appreciate than picking stocks. i might not pick cars that appreciate as well as that one did, but i'm confident that i can pick cars that will still do well

what is that?

Yes! That's one reason I want to keep the DCT E90 - perfect car for future wife!

so sweet!

Imagine having one of the few Californias made with the gated shifter. So rare!

you'd actually be surprised. not all ferraris are expensive to maintain. in a way some of them are cheaper than some M cars to maintain. because some of them are actually pretty simple cars. even when you look at the F430 there are no fancy electronics other than those for the traction control and e diff. the E9X m3


i'm gonna get a YOLO tat one day

yes :) now that it's done i can finally sleep at night. it just happened

i'm pretty sure once you drive one you'll want to own one

thanks :)

What a dumbass

(already have, hahahaha)

everyone needs as many gated shifters as possible!
