“brut of a man”
“brut of a man”
Most of us won’t reach the age of McConnell because he and his ilk will see to it that the Earth is literally destroyed.
Can we stop referring to her as Sarah Huckabee Sanders and instead only call her Dollar Store Goebbels?
COUNTERPOINT: She sucks dirty underwears.
“She said she objected to the secret nature of the grand jury process”
If Chelsea Manning had never joined the military she would probably be the resident creepy IT girl at some firm in flyover country, who spends her nights spamming reddit with drivel. Instead, the military decided to recruit an obviously unwell person. And for some reason (cheek bones?) the media decided she would make…
It might be a bit too long-form, but seriously, how is this scene not even mentioned?
And there it is........game, set, match.
It’s almost like he’s a complete dullard & has no idea what he’s talking about.
While watching this scene I was terrified, absolutely terrified she would jump up and say “I’m keeping the baby!” When I had my abortion, I didn’t have a support friend, nor was I in such a nice clinic. I was in the Bronx at a stand alone hellhole because I couldn’t get an appointment with Planned Parenthood prior to…
The day of his (hopefully imminent) death, and its subsequent anniversaries, is something I will celebrate, because I am a vindictive & petty man.
Yeah...for bombing a bunch of civilians in an illegal war, that he didn’t even have to fight in, given his father was the Commander of the Pacific Fleet.
I mean, but McCain was all but licking Trump’s shoes up till his death.
Oh, I work; I teach, but as a professor, I have an awful lot of office hour time.
Most students don’t use it until toward the end of the semester, when they collectively realize that they’re getting a grade—so if I’m not grading, attending committee meetings, or reading, I’m probably killing time here.
...and the whole,…
They got along. McCain voted for Trump. Worked to elect him. Voted with him in the Senate more than 80% of the time. Made sure he died as a Senator so a Republican could appoint a Republican Senator instead of putting the seat up for a new election.
I’m sorry but making fun of McCain is the coolest thing Trump does. I will always find it funny. I think it is a perfect tribute to McCain’s legacy.
Over the past two years, I’ve seen three close family members die “natural” deaths and the last few days/weeks of pain and semi/unconsciousness were clearly not pleasant for them or the family. Morphine doesn’t help once cancer spreads to the bones and they’re crying out in pain every time you have to turn them. As…
Wrong post, dummy.
Has anyone ever pointed out that sometimes, the same people that work on forces are also the same ones that burn crosses?