
Splinter is starting to read like the diary of an angry ex-girlfriend. 

Paul Blest is my go-to for what is and is not punk, and all the associated acceptable behaviors that go with. 

Part of me thinks the author just wanted to plug his own punk creds. But I’m trying to be less cynical—by like, at least 3%.

Can Splinter cut it out with the lame hit pieces please?


Israel doesn’t have the right to exist in the way it exists at present. Fuck Zionism. Also, fuck these two clowns. Good to see they’re putting those NYU tuition fees to good use, being opportunist attention seekers instead of sitting down, shutting up and actually learning something.

Phew, I thought this was a very succinct announcement for another Splinter purge that would throw me and others back into the greys indefinitely... Oh wait...

Does the “#NoMoreBoomers” sentiment cover Bernie?

It’s all a bullshit fantasy sold to women that shitty men are complicated and suffering from abandonment issues and you, yes YOU, can fix them by staying with them no matter how objectively terrible they are to you and you’ll never win because if they keep being shitty, it’s cause you didn’t try hard enough and if you

But Palestinians are all just pawns of Hamas, and all Hamas wants is to destroy Israel (make it not exist), therefore if you think Palestinians have a right to not be bulldozed and killed, that is exactly the same as you thinking Israel has no right to exist. The logic is impenetrable!

By definition, it would be sexist NOT to ensure female athletes are given the same level playing field as male athletes, and ensuring as much hardly constitutes racism or an ignorance of the science on the actual fluid nature of biological sex

A big nope on Bernie. Not because I’m still pissed off at him, but because NOTHING has changed for him. He gives a great speech about what he says he’s going to do, but never gives us a hint as to HOW he’s going to do it. And if you ask him, you don’t get a straight answer. No thanks, Bernie. 

White Reggae band

Allow me to re-introduce myself
I’m fuckin old
Only a democrat when it suits me
Fauxgressive as the group of people screaming my name
White liberal pandering is the name of the game

This is art.

“Sure officer, you pulled me over for speeding, but that doesn’t mean you can arrest me for the dead hooker in the trunk. That has nothing to do with speeding.”

So he didn’t have a... re-peter?